World Thinking Day


World Thinking Day is celebrated by Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world on 22nd February each year.

Its aim is to bring together children from all over the world (nearly 150 countries take part) to celebrate international friendships, raise money and think about a global theme, which is changed each year.

Boy Scouts also mark 22nd February but call it Founders Day.

World Thinking Day Ideas and Resources

Our World, Our Thriving Future

The theme for Thinking Day in 2024 is "Our World, Our Thriving Future".

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”
Lady Bird Johnson

We have many activities and resources here at Activity Village that may help you celebrate World Thinking Day and that coincide with the themes of connecting to nature and environmental sustainability.

"A Guide Respects All Living Things and Takes Care of the World Around Her"

Many of the suggested activities this year for Rainbows, Brownies and Guides look at encouraging wildlife and looking after the natural environment. These sections should provide some inspiration to get started.

Explore the world of invertebrates, insects and other minibeasts with our minibeast crafts,...

Sometimes when you are out and about with the kids you "collect" all sorts of...

The Environment

Many of the activities in our Earth Day, World Oceans Day, World Cleanup Day and World Food Day will be relevant to your studies about the environment.

Earth Day, which was established in 1970 in the US, is celebrated on 22nd April each year. It is...

World Cleanup Day takes place annually over a 24 hour period in September, and involves millions...

World Food Day is a United Nations initiative - a time to think about growing food in a...

World Oceans Day has been recognised since 2002 and is celebrated on 8th June....

Recycling for Our Futures

One way which we can all work together to help the environment is by recycling. It takes very little effort but can make a big difference over time. We've got printables to explore here, as well as a fun collection of recycling crafts to try.

These days it is recognised that it is important that children know how to help the environment...

World Thinking Day Printables

This collection of printables are specifically for World Thinking Day or for Guides generally, to be used year round.

Here's a poster for World Thinking Day which celebrates girls from all over the world...

If you need something quickly for World Thinking Day this printable card might be just the trick...

Here's a colouring page for World Thinking Day on 22nd February, which we think encompasses...

Print out this inspirational poster, featuring a quote by Barack Obama and use in your displays...

Challenge your patrols and sixes to brainstorm ways they could help your unit or pack grow with...

This clever printable activity shows each child how she fits into her unit, division, (district...

Here's a very special passport, which you can print out and assemble with the kids for your...

This four page printable is designed to encourage children to do some really good research about...

Making a Difference

Of course much of what Guiding is teaching children that everyone can make a difference in the world. Many of the printables in this section can be used for World Thinking Day activities, or all year round.

Can children make a difference in the world? Of course they can! And perhaps if they are...

Founders of the Scouts and Guides

Thinking Day originated in the very early days of Scouting, and 22nd February was chosen as it was the joint birthday of Robert and Olave Baden-Powell. We have poster, notebooking pages, colouring page, story paper and more for each of the founders of Scouting and Guiding...

Robert Baden-Powell, affectionately known as B-P, was born in London in 1857 and was one of 10...

Agnes Baden-Powell was Robert Baden-Powell's sister. She...

Olave Baden-Powell was born Olave Soames in 1889 and grew up in the country, enjoying an outdoor...

International Friendship and Community

Our "Around the World" topic is a growing collection of resources for many countries of the world. We offer colouring pages, flag printables, fun facts, map printables and more.

Take a trip Around the World with Activity Village and explore continents and countries in far...

Candles for World Thinking Day

In some parts of the world it is traditional to light candles or hold a candle ceremony for World Thinking Day. We have some simple candle crafts you could incorporate here.

Decorating lanterns and candles is great fun for older children.  They make lovely gifts or...

World Centres for Guiding...

...just in case you are organising a visit or would like to find out more about the cities/countries in which the four world centres are located. Pax Lodge is in London, Our Cabana is in Mexico, Our Chalet is in Switzerland and Sangam is in India.

Activity Village visits London! This page is all about London for kids, with fun colouring pages...

Take a quick tour of Mexico with our interesting facts and photos! We also have a complete set...

Get a taste of the country of Switzerland with our "fun facts" and enjoy our flag...

Find out about India, try some of our India worksheets and printables, enjoy our India craft...


What better way to inspire girls than by reading about the lives of inspirational women! We have many roll models to choose from here.

There is so much inspiration to be gained from learning about Famous People of the past and...

More Activities

You can find many more ideas and resources for Beavers, Cubs, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides on our main Scouting and Guiding page.

The brain child of Robert Baden-Powell in the early 20th Century, scouting and guiding now...

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