World Cup Puzzles


Lots NEW! Ready for World Cup 2022 in Qatar? We've got some great puzzles and mazes here that all footie-mad kids (and some of their parents!) will enjoy. And if you run out of these, you can always have a look in our Soccer Puzzles collection too!

Complete the World Cup Puzzle

Complete the World Cup Puzzle

Copy the missing parts of our picture of the World Cup trophy in the grid, by looking carefully at the complete picture on the right. Tricky but fun!  

England World Cup Squad 2022 Crossword

England World Cup Squad 2022 Crossword

Here's a crossword challenge for the kids to tackle this World Cup! We've provided the first names of the 26 England footballers in Gareth Southgate's World Cup 2022 squad. The kids need to fill in the surnames - with correct spellings, of course!

England World Cup Squad 2022 Word Search

England World Cup Squad 2022 Word Search

There are 26 surnames to hunt for in this word search - all 26 footballers in the World Cup Squad for the 2022 competition! Available in either upper or lower case versions, it's quite a challenge to find them all...

The World Cup How Many Words

The World Cup How Many Words

How many smaller words can the kids make out of the letters in "The World Cup"? Try it as a solo challenge or race against friends.

World Cup 2022 Country Word Search

World Cup 2022 Country Word Search

All 32 countries taking part in the 2022 World Cup in Qatar are hidden in this word search. Find them horizontally, vertically and diagonally - but not backwards.

World Cup Alphabet Challenge

World Cup Alphabet Challenge

Here's a challenge for World Cup fans - an alphabet callenge! Can you fill in a word or name for every letter of the alphabet? I think with the world's current football players to choose from, this might actually be one of our easier alphabet challenges...

World Cup Boggler Puzzle

World Cup Boggler Puzzle

How many words can you make from our World Cup boggler puzzle grid, following the rules on the page? Remember there are some special hidden words to find too.

World Cup Maze Pack

World Cup Maze Pack

Help pass the time waiting for kick off with our brilliant World Cup maze pack. Can the kids help the footballer find his way through each maze to find the world cup? We've got easy, medium and difficult mazes, and we've included the solutions too...

World's Best Footballers Word Search

World's Best Footballers Word Search

Lionel Messi is my son's favourite footballer of all time, and his name is hidden in this wordsearch grid along with 19 other world football legends!

More World Cup Fun

World Cup Worksheets
World Cup Worksheets

More Football Fun

Soccer Puzzles
Soccer Puzzles

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