Crikey - isn't this wooden spoon crocodile gorgeous? The children will be very proud when they have put this craft idea together! He makes a great puppet, too.
You will need:
Green paint
Wooden spoon
Craft foam in green, white, black and pink.
Paint the spoon green and leave to dry.
When the spoon is completely dry, draw around the bowl of the spoon onto green foam and cut out. Glue to the spoon at the base of the handle only, so that the rest of the foam flaps loose to form the bottom jaw.
Once again draw around the spoon but this time onto the pink foam. Cut out the shape a few millimetres smaller on all sides. Glue to the inside of the bottom jaw piece, for the inside of the crocodile's mouth.
Cut out two sets of jagged teeth from the white foam and glue them around the curve of the spoon and to the edge of the pink foam (be sure to use the glue sparingly).
To make the eyes, cut out two small rectangles from green foam, shaping one end of each rectangle into a curve. Fold over the straight edges and glue to the back of the spoon so they stand up (look at the photo to see how this works). Cut out two white circles for the eyes, adding two smaller black circles as the pupils, and glue to the green foam.
Finally, cut a rectangle from green foam and cover with glue. Now fold it around the handle to form the tail. Carefully cut out the spikes.