Winter Scene Centrepiece


Kids can use their imagination and any craft supplies you have lying around to create a winter scene centrepiece like this one. We've chosen to feature a pond, a mail box and a lamp post, but you could build something entirely different...


Winter Scene Centrepiece

You will need:

A thin cardboard tube (eg inner of kitchen foil)
Kitchen roll tube
White polystyrene or card circle (from a pizza)
Red paint
Silver paint
Gold card
Cotton wool balls
White or silver glitter
Scraps of black, white, red and blue paper or card


Paint the thin tube silver and the kitchen roll red and leave to dry.

To make your mail box, cut a small rectangle of black card and glue to the tube. Stick a circle of red card to the top and a rectangle of white paper to the front.

To make the lamppost simply glue a rectangle of gold card around the top of the tube for the light.

Stick the tubes to your polystyrene base.

Cut a pond from blue card and stick to the base.

Cover the rest of the base with glue and stick on cotton wool balls, adding some to the top of the mailbox and lamppost.

Drizzle glue over the top and sprinkle on glitter.


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