Welsh Colouring Pages


A collection of colouring page with Wales as the theme - ranging from flags to Welsh dragons to daffodils to traditional dress!

Individual Welsh Colouring Pages

Caenarfon Castle Colouring Page

The most famous of all famous Welsh castles! Colour in this picture of Caenarfon Castle - a perfect accompaniment for a visit to the castle, perhaps, or when studying the country.

Corgi Colouring Page

Corgi Colouring Page

Colour in a corgi! This is a fun colouring page of that Welsh dog breed for younger children.

Corgi Tracing Page

Corgi Tracing Page

There's a very well-known royal lady who loves corgis and has a bunch of them at all times! I think you might enjoy our corgi activities - including this fun tracing page for little ones - for a royal theme, the Queen's birthday, or just because corgis are lovely dogs.

Daffodil colouring page

Daffodil Colouring Page

A beautiful, simple daffodil colouring page for children, perfect for Spring and St David's Day.

Daffodil Colouring Page 3

Daffodil Colouring Page 3

The third of our daffodil colouring pages shows a daffodil looking up to soak up the spring sunshine.

Daffodil Colouring Page 4

Daffodil Colouring Page 4

Featuring just the head of a daffodil, this colouring page would work well for collages too. They would make a lovely classroom display, coloured or collaged and cut out.

Daffodil Doodle Colour Pop Colouring Card

Daffodil Doodle Colour Pop Colouring Card

Colour in the pretty daffodils on this colour pop colouring card and give it to someone for a Spring birthday, perhaps. Alternatively, send it is and enclose a little pack of colouring pencils!

Daffodil Doodle Colour Pop Colouring Page

Daffodil Doodle Colour Pop Colouring Page

We've filled the background of this pretty daffodil doodle colouring page with spring green so that you can concentate on the doodly details of the flowers! Use a selection of different yellows and oranges and greens for a really special design.

Daffodil Doodle Colouring Card

Daffodil Doodle Colouring Card

It will take a while to colour in this pretty daffodil doodle colouring card, but that will make it extra special for whoever receives it. Print onto white card or good quality paper, and fold in half.

Daffodil Doodle Colouring Page

Daffodil Doodle Colouring Page

There is so much detail to colour in on this pretty daffodil doodle colouring page - making it perfect for older children and grown-ups. This kind of "meditative" or "mindful" colouring page is very popular right now.

Dragon Maths Facts Colouring Page

Dragon Maths Facts Colouring Page

Here's a fun way for the kids to colour in a dragon! Solve the simple sums and then use the key to colour each section the correct colour.

Harp Colouring Page

Harp Colouring Page

The harp is regarded as the national instrument of Wales and is called 'telyn' in Welsh. We've got an illustration of one to colour in on this printable sheet.

Leeks Colouring Page

Leeks Colouring Page

You'll probably want to use a green crayon or felt tip to colour in these tasty looking leeks on this colouring page!

Love Spoon Colouring Bookmarks

Love Spoon Colouring Bookmarks

These love spoon colouring bookmarks make a lovely gift once coloured in, and you can laminate them so they last longer too. 

Love Spoon Colouring Card

Love Spoon Colouring Card

A hand-coloured card is a perfect way to express your love for someone, and the illustration of a traditional Welsh love spoon makes this card really special.

Love Spoon Colouring Page

Love Spoon Colouring Page

Print off this picture of a traditional Welsh love spoon and colour in carefully  - you might need to concentrate when you colour in the details.

Sheep Tracing Page

Sheep Tracing Page

Here's a lovely colouring page for younger children with a dotted outline. Trace over the outline carefully - it's great pencil control practice!

St David's Day Colouring Page 2

St David's Day Colouring Page 2

In this lovely, detailed colouring page, children wave the Welsh flag, dress in traditional costume - and even wear a daffodil hat! All to celebrate Wales and St David's Day...

St David's Flag Colouring Page

St David's Flag Colouring Page

The kids will need black and gold (yellow) colouring pencils or pens to colour in this St David's flag. Why not create a banner using our colouring pages for this flag and the Welsh flag for St David's Day?

Tintern Abbey Colouring Page

Tintern Abbey Colouring Page

Colour in this picture of the majestic Tintern Abbey. What an interesting history this building could tell you, if it could talk!

Wales National Flower Colouring Page

Wales National Flower Colouring Page

The Welsh national flower is the daffodil - one of the most cheerful signs that spring is on its way, and seen everywhere in time for St David's Day.

Welsh Children Colouring Page

Welsh Children Colouring Page

The little girl is this colouring page is dressed in traditional costume, while the boy is a patriotic Wales supporter!

Welsh Dragon Colouring Page

Welsh Dragon Colouring Page

Print this magnificent Welsh dragon colouring page for kids to colour in for St David's Day or other patriotic occasions.

Welsh Girl Colouring Page

Welsh Girl Colouring Page

Colour in this cute picture of a little Welsh girl in traditional clothes. Make sure to make the hat black, and the lace underneath the brim white!

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