All Rainbow Number Bond Worksheets 5 to 10
Here is our complete set of rainbow number bond worksheets, starting at 5 and working up to 10. Download them in zip format and then extract.
We have a variety of maths worksheets themed to fit your weather topic - including early counting and pattern worksheets, number bonds and symmetry worksheets. Explore below.
Here is our complete set of rainbow number bond worksheets, starting at 5 and working up to 10. Download them in zip format and then extract.
Here's a fun sorting activity with a weather theme! Cut out the clouds and put them in order from biggest to smallest. Or try from smallest to biggest!
There is some fun winter counting involved in this comparing numbers worksheets, which also asks kids to fill in the simple sentences using comparison words taken from a word bank.
Children love rainbows, and they'll be rewarded with their own rainbow once they've completed this fun rainbow maths facts colouring page. We've got five to choose from below: addition to 10, addition to 20, subtraction to 10, subtraction to 20 and a multiplication version.
Can the kids fill in the missing numbers on this rainbow number bonds worksheet testing number bonds up to 20? We have a matching set of posters to help if necessary.
Every activity is more fun when there are colourful rainbows involved! Cut out the rainbows (laminate if you prefer), then ask the kids to order them from biggest to smallest. Then shuffle them up and ask them to try from smallest to largest!
This is a fiendishly difficult symmetry worksheet! You might want to start the children on some of the others in the set, and work up to this one. Mirror the lines on the left of the line of symmetry over to the right and you will have a perfect, symmetrical snowflake!
Here's a snowy counting scene worksheet, great for a winter theme. Can the kids count the number of each item and write the number in the box next to the picture of it? This is a little easier than some of our other counting scenes but will still require a lot of concentration!
Join the dots on this sun picture - by 2s, 3s, 4s and so on, all the way up to 10s. It's a fun way to practice your times tables!
Light up the sun by solving the simple sums and colouring in the picture using the key. Choose from 6 versions below (2 addition, 2 subtraction and 2 multiplication).
Cut out the bright suns and ask the kids to sort them from biggest to smallest. Then mix the suns up again, and ask the kids to sort from smallest to biggest! You can laminate the suns too for extra durability.
Can you complete this picture of the sun by mirroring the picture to the other side? There is a version with a grid available to help make this task easier.
Children will have so much fun colouring this umbrella maths fact colouring page that they won't even notice that they are practising their sums!
Learn the concept of big and small by sorting the weather symbols onto the sorting mats - you can laminate them so they can be reused too...
Here's a bright and cheerful weather-themed worksheet, that'll help the kids practise their sorting skills. Can they circle the biggest picture on each row, and draw a cross on the smallest? You can laminate the worksheet if you prefer then it can be used again.
Here's a fun worksheet to practise counting with a weather theme. The children need to count the weather picture and write the correct number in the box on the right.
Available in colour or black and white, this weather-themed worksheet asks the kids to count the pictures in each row and write the total in the box.
This fun worksheet challenges the children to count up each type of weather picture and write the total in the boxes. Lots of fun! We have a colour version as well as a black and white version available.
Use these weather tiles to complete the patterns on our weather pattern worksheets - or print them out for a fun mini-matching game.
This fun pattern worksheet asks children to work out which weather picture comes next in the sequence! We have tiles that you can print out for the kids to choose from, or they can draw the answer in.
Can the kids work out the patterns on this colourful weather-themed worksheet? Draw the next in the sequence, or use our Weather Pattern Tiles to fill in the blank square.
Practise sorting skills and learn about the weather too with our fun weather size sorting worksheet. Can the kids number the weather pictures in each row from smallest to biggest?