Voltron Legendary Defender Colouring Page - Black Lion
Here is a colouring page from Vulture and Legendary Defender of Black Lion, piloted by Shiro. The Black Lion forms the head and torso of Voltron.
Do you remember Voltron Defender of the Universe from the 1980s? And more importantly, are your kids fans of the new Dreamworks Voltron Legendary Defender series on Netflix? If so, we have a treat for you here! We have been asked to share 12 super colouring pages from the new series, featuring all your favourites - including Shiro, Keith, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Princess Allura and more.
Here is a colouring page from Vulture and Legendary Defender of Black Lion, piloted by Shiro. The Black Lion forms the head and torso of Voltron.
Piloted by Lance, the Blue Lion forms the right leg of Voltron. Here is a colouring page to print and enjoy.
Colour in the Green Lion, piloted by Pidge Gunderson, guardian spirit of the Forest. The Green Lion forms the left arm of Voltron.
Colour in this picture of Hunk, one of the heroes of Voltron Legendary Defender, gentle giant and pilot of the Yellow Lion.
Keith is one of the heroes of Voltron Legendary Defender, pilot of the Red Lion and Guardian Spirit of Fire. He is an orphan, and he is moody! Enjoy this colouring page…
Here is a colouring page of Lance, one of the Voltron Legendary Defender team and pilot of the Blue Lion and Guardian Spirit of Water. Enjoy colouring him in!
Pidge is pilot of the Green Lion and Guardian Spirit of Forest. She is the smartest member of the Voltron Legendary Defender team! Here is a colouring page to print...
If the kids are enjoying the Voltron series, they might enjoy colouring in the Princess Allura, Crown Princess of Altea. It was Allura who granted the Defenders their title and sent them to conquer Zarkon and liberate the universe!
The Red Lion forms the right arm of Volton and is piloted by Keith. Here's a fun colouring page to print.
Colour in Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane -pilot of the Black Lion and Guardian Spirit of Sky and leader of the Defenders of the Universe. Shiro is always calm and in control!
When you put the five Lions together, what do you get? Voltron, Defender of the Universe! Voltron is over 100 metres tall and a formidable opponent. Here's a colouring page for the kids.
Print the pdf below so that the kids can colour in the Yellow Lion. It is piloted by Hunk, the gentle giant, and forms the left leg of Voltron, Defender of the Universe!