Love Colouring Bookmarks
Colour in these pretty doodly letters to spell out LOVE. They make a fun little gift for Valetine's Day - perhaps an alternative to class valentines?
Lots NEW! Explore the vocabulary of Valentine's Day with this collection of printables, worksheets and colouring pages.
Colour in these pretty doodly letters to spell out LOVE. They make a fun little gift for Valetine's Day - perhaps an alternative to class valentines?
Instead of a Valentine card this year, why not print out these pretty Valentine colouring bookmarks, cut them out and hand them round to friends and loved ones instead?
Brainstorm words that might be used on Valentine's Day or to do with Valentines in general, and write them in the box.
Put these 12 words - all themed around Valentine's Day - into alphabetical order. With more than one word for some letters, children will need to think carefully.
Here is a simple alphabetical order worksheet for Valentine's Day. Put the 6 words into the correct order.
Colour in red any heart which contains a noun. Leave the others blank. It's a fun worksheet for Valentine's Day.
This Valentine's Day worksheet asks children to break down two simple sentences into parts of speech, and then have a go at writing their own sentence using at least one each of pronoun, noun, verb and adjective.
Here is a set of useful word cards for Valentine's Day including all the romantic words you might need for your displays and learning activities! They are designed to be quick to print and slice or cut apart.
Use this simple worksheet to brainstorm and write down some Valentine themed words. You could use our Valentine's Day word cards for inspiration.
Count the syllables in each Valentines themed word, and write the correct number in the box below.