Valentine's Day Games


Have fun this Valentine's Day with our collection of Valentine's Day games and activities. You will find ideas suitable for the classroom, a family gathering, a party - or just an evening with the kids.

Quick Ideas for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day Games

Heart Messages
Let your family know all day long how much you care by sending them some heart messages! Cut out a stack of hearts from pink, red, and white paper, write some little messages on them, and hide them in unexpected places. Put them in jacket pockets, in briefcases and satchels, in shoes, in lunch boxes, in cereal bowls, under pillows, tucked into pyjamas - you get the idea!

Valentine Video
Capture the kids on film for Valentine's Day. Make it something you do every year and you will have a brilliant record of them growing up.

Cupid Says
Play "Cupid Says" instead of "Simon Says" with little kids. Include some Valentine's Day ideas such as "Give me a kiss" or "Give someone a hug".

Take a Valentine's Day Bath
Colour the bath water pink or red with a little food colouring - the kids will love it! Cut some hearts out of craft foam and use them to decorate the sides of the bathtub. If you cut them out of different colours and make them different sizes, you can order them and sort them too.

Valentine 20 questions
Play a Valentine's Day edition of 20 questions. An adult or child thinks of something to do with Valentine's Day - a card, a heart, Cupid, etc. The others ask "yes" and "no" questions, trying to guess the answer before the 20 question limit is up.

More Valentine's Day Games

Find Your Partner

Find Your Partner

Great for pairing up children at the beginning of a party, and for breaking the ice when kids don't know each other well as everyone has an excuse to approach other people and start talking.

Heart Game Cards

Heart Game Cards

Use these pretty heart game cards to play all sorts of games - perfect for Valentine's day or anytime! You can laminate your game cards to make them more durable.

Heart Number Match File Folder Game

Heart Number Match File Folder Game

Print and assemble this simple heart number match file folder game, to encourage one on one correspondence, counting and number recognition.

Hearts Dominoes Game

Hearts Dominoes Game

Print out our hearts dominoes game and play just like ordinary dominoes. The tiles are large and the heart graphics are very pretty - perfect for Valentine's Day or girly occasions!

Hearts Tic Tac Toe

Hearts Tic-Tac-Toe

Loveheart sweets or candy as counters would make hearts tic-tac-toe grid even sweeter but you could use buttons or counters or drywipe markers.  

Stack The Hearts

Stack The Hearts

You will need a large supply of "Lovehearts" to play this - the little Valentine's candy conversation hearts you see every around Valentine's Day - but it is a fun game which the kids will enjoy.

Valentine Fishing

Valentine Fishing

Most preschoolers love a fishing game - so here is an idea for an special Valentine variation which you can make yourself.

Age: young

You will need:

Valentine Relay

Valentine Relay

Great fun for a large group of kids or mixed ages, you will need a big space to play this relay racing game.

Age: any

Valentine Sorting Game

Valentine Sorting Game

Print out our page of gingham hearts, cut them out, and get your little ones to sort them by size or by colour. You can make the game self-checking by adding numbers and colour words to the back if you like, and make it more permanent by laminating the hearts.

Valentines Day Boxes

Valentine's Day Boxes

Have some Valentine's Day fun with a game for two. Our Valentine's Boxes grids come in a range of sizes to suit different ages. Rules for playing the game are here.

Valentines Day Multiplication Bump Pack

Valentine's Day Multiplication Bump Pack

Multiplication bump is my son's favourite way to practise times tables. Roll two dice, add the total and multiply by the "table" you are practising, placing a counter on the correct heart. The fun comes in bumping off a player's piece if they are already on the heart.

Valentines Balloon Games

Valentines Balloon Games

Create some themed Valentine's Day games with hearts cut out of construction paper and a large stack of red and pink balloons!

Age: Young

What I Like About You

What I Like About You

What I Like About You is an esteem-boosting game which can be played in the family or classroom. Great for Valentine's Day.

Age: Any

You will need:

Wrapping A Present

Wrapping A Present

This is a Valentine's Day variation of the Halloween mummy game! You will need a large supply of pink loo paper and some excited kids...

Age: any

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