Valentine's Day


Celebrate Valentines Day on 14th February with Activity Village's selection of Valentine crafts, colouring, puzzles, jokes, cards, jigsaws and printables for kids! You'll find the colours red and pink and hearts galore, and all sorts of Valentine's Day activities to keep your kids busy - enough for a week of Valentine's Days! Explore below...

Happy Valentine's Day from Activity Village!

Valentines, valentines
Red, white and blue
I'll make a nice one
And send it to you.

Our Valentine's Day Resources

Valentine's Day Colouring Pages
Lots NEW! We have a huge collection of original Valentine's Day colouring pages from very...
Valentine's Day Colouring Cards
Print out these Valentine Cards to colour and set your children loose with the colouring pencils or...
Valentine's Day Printables
Lots NEW! We have a huge collection of Valentine's Day printables for you to explore here -...
Valentine's Day Puzzles
Print these Valentine's Day puzzles - words sudoku, mazes, counting puzzles, stepping stones...
Valentine's Day Worksheets
We've got Valentine's Day worksheets for all ages here, ranging from some simple tracing...
Valentine's Day Crafts
Valentine's Day is a great excuse for a crafty session with the kids - after all there is...
Making Valentine's Day Cards
Helping your kids to make their own Valentine Cards is fun and rewarding, and of course the cards...
Valentine's Day Jokes
Enjoy our Valentine's Day jokes for kids. Read online, or have fun with our printable bookmarks...
Valentine's Day Games
Have fun this Valentine's Day with our collection of Valentine's Day games and activities....

Kids enjoying Valentine's crafts

Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with me.
I have red ones, orange ones, yellow ones, too.
I have green ones, purple ones, and some that are blue.
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Count them with me! 1-2-3-4-5.....

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Valentine's Day at Activity Village

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