You've landed at Activity Village's United State of America page - part of our huge Around the World collection of resources and activities!

We've tried to achieve two purposes with our USA section:

  • Over 35% of Activity Village's visitors come from the United States, and we hope that we have provided something special for you here that you can enjoy with the kids.
  • For the rest of us, we thought it might be fun to pay a "virtual" visit to the United States of America, travelling around the country's famous landmarks with our colouring pages and story paper, trying out some of our American themed craft ideas, and learning a little as we go.

New York City
The skyline of New York City

Our USA Activities

Learn About the USA
This section is aimed mainly at children from outside of the USA who are wanting to find out more...
US Colouring Pages
Scroll down for our US landmark colouring pages for kids. Take a colouring trip around America with...
US Crafts
Whether you are looking for a craft for a patriotic sporting occasion or want something fun to do...
United States Flag Printables
Here's a page full of United States flag printables here, which you can use in your projects at...
US Printables
LOTS NEW! Whether you are looking for some patriotic printables to help celebrate a holiday or...
US Worksheets
Whether you are looking to learn more about the good old US of A or you are looking to bring a bit...
US Puzzles
Have a go at this tricky word search puzzle for all of the American States - can the kids find...
Uncle Sam Activities for Kids
Uncle Sam is a personification of, or nickname for, the United States, and is often used as an icon...
Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty stands on Liberty Island in New York harbour.The statue commemorates the...

American Sports

American Football
American Football



More American Activities

Learn more about the history of the USA and it's presidents.

George Washington
US History

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