US Acrostic Poem Printables


There are some long and tricky acrostic poems to come up with among our USA themed acrostic poem printables. The fun and colourful pages would make a lovely display to celebrate a patriotic holiday. 

America Acrostic Poem Printable

America Acrostic Poem Printable

What does America mean to the kids? Find out when you ask them to try their hand at an acrostic poem using our fun printable. There are 4 variations of the page in the pdf file below.

America Acrostic Poem Printable 2

America Acrostic Poem Printable 2

Choose your words carefully to write an acrostic poem printable about America. This would be perfect for Fourth of July or any other patriotic occasion. The printable makes a good writing or drawing frame, too, and comes in 4 versions. Just download the pdf file below.

Eagle Acrostic Poem Printable

Eagle Acrostic Poem Printable

There are 4 pages to our eagle acrostic poem printable so children can decide which they would like to use to present their poetry.  

Independence Acrostic Poem Printable

Independence Acrostic Poem Printable

Here's a fun acrostic poem printable for Independence Day - but it's a challenging one, too! There are 4 variations of our acrostic poem printable in this pdf file, some of which make excellent drawing or writing frames too.

Liberty Acrostic Poem Printable

Liberty Acrostic Poem Printable

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ... these words were written into the American consitution. Here's a challenging acrostic poem printable to encourage children to think about what liberty really means. There are 4 variations of our acrostic poem printable in this pdf file.

Pilgrim Acrostic

Pilgrim Acrostic

Can the children write an acrostic poem using the letters from PILGRIM? These printables also make fun writing frames for Thanksgiving or history studies.

Uncle Sam Acrostic Poem Printable

Uncle Sam Acrostic Poem Printable

Can the kids write an acrostic poem about Uncle Sam? Tricky! There are 4 variations of our acrostic poem printable in this pdf file, so just choose the most appropriate and print it out. The printable makes a good writing or drawing frame, too.

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