Two Truths and a Lie


Two Truths and a Lie is a very old game which has been popularised on radio and television over the years. This version makes a simple ice breaker game for older children, who will enjoy trying to fool the other kids.

Two Truths and a Lie

How to play:

You may want to give everyone a pencil and paper to help them plan and remember their "two truths and a lie", but it isn't necessary.

One child starts by telling the group two truths and one lie about himself, in any order. He must try to mix them up and use a "poker face" so that all three could be believable "truths". The other children try to guess which was the lie. This is probably easiest done by a show of hands.

An example:

  • A 10 year old boy states: "I am 11 year's old. I love football. My favourite player is Messi." Obviously the lie is the first statement.
  • A 10 year old girl states: "I have always lived in London. I have a younger brother. I read to him every night."
  • Another 10 year old girl states: "My favourite food is pizza. My favourite meal is breakfast. My favourite drink is orange juice."
  • An 11 year old boy states: "I always sing in the shower. My mother thinks I should apply to XFactor. I won a singing competition when I was 6".

Variation - Two Truths and a Wish:

Replace the lie with a wish or goal. For example, "I always sing in the shower. My mother thinks I should apply to XFactor. I have been picked to sing a solo in the school choir."


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