Transport Tracing Pages


Children can get plenty of pencil control and tracing practice with this fun set of transport tracing pages. Many can be adapted for different ages and abilities too.

Camper Van Tracing Page

Camper Van Tracing Page

Young ones can practise their pencil control skills with this fun camper van tracing worksheet.

Ship's Wheel Tracing Page

Ship's Wheel Tracing Page

This ship's wheel tracing page is quite a challenge, whether you choose to trace between the dotted lines (younger kids) or over all the dotted lines. Encourage your child to take care and produce the best version they can.

Tractor Tracing Page 1

Tractor Tracing Page 1

This simple tractor outline is fun for little kids to trace – and it's great pre-writing practice too!

Tractor Tracing Page 2

Tractor Tracing Page 2

Here's a fiendishly difficult tractor tracing page to challenge the kids! This tractor is facing head on and there is lots of detail (and that means lots of dotted lines) to trace over.

More Transport Worksheets

Transport Story Paper
Transport Story Paper

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