Transport Literacy Worksheets


Whether you are learning letters and alphabetical order, encouraging creative writing or having a go at poetry, we've got transport themed literacy worksheets below to choose from featuring tractors, cement mixers, bicycles and more!

Bicycle Writing Page

Bicycle Writing Page

Many kids love a bicycle - and for good reason! Perhaps they can write about theirs using this fun writing page, which comes in colour or black and white.

Tractor Acrostic Poem Printable

Tractor Acrostic Poem Printable

Have a go at an acrostic poem using the first letters from the word TRACTOR, and write it down on this lovely acrostic paper! You can use the printable as a writing frame, too.

Tractor Match the Letters Printable

Tractor Match the Letters Printable

Here's a fun activity to help the kids practise letter recognition and to learn the difference between big and small letters. Cut out all of the circles (laminate for extra durability if you prefer).

Tractor Paragraph Writing Prompt

Tractor Paragraph Writing Prompt

Our fun tractor paragraph writing prompt page is bound to get even reluctant writers putting pen to paper! Can the children write a paragraph describing a tractor, and another describing the jobs that it does?

Tractor Scene Writing Prompt Worksheet

Tractor Scene Writing Prompt Worksheet

This helpful worksheet is designed to spark kids into writing an interesting and imaginative story about a tractor. A great way to get reluctant writers started off...

Tractor Sentence Writing Prompt

Tractor Sentence Writing Prompt

The children will soon be writing a couple of sentences with the help of this fun tractor writing prompt printable! Can they write a sentence describing the tractor, and then another describing the job it does?

Tractor Story Starter

Tractor Story Starter

Kids can have some fun with this story starter featuring a farmer and a tractor! What will happen next, do you think?

Tractors Notebooking Page

Tractors Notebooking Page

Our fun tractors notebooking page is ideal for writing about a farm visit. We have a lined page for lots of writing, and a page with lines and also a space to draw your own picture too...

More Transport-Themed Literacy Ideas

Transport Handwriting Worksheets
Transport Handwriting Worksheets

Transport Story Paper
Transport Story Paper

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