Chopsticks Game
This traditional Japanese game just need two pairs of hands and some strategy (and simple adding) skills! Good fun for getting kids thinking - and every game ends up differently!
Try some of these traditional Japanese games with your kids for Children's Day, or perhaps when learning a little about Japan.
This traditional Japanese game just need two pairs of hands and some strategy (and simple adding) skills! Good fun for getting kids thinking - and every game ends up differently!
Otedama is a game played with are fabric beanbags (called ojami) which used to be sewn by grandmothers from silk kimono scraps. They are used for juggling games and skill games similar to jacks and knucklebones.
Otedama is a traditional Japanese game for girls played with 5 small beanbags (or ojami.) The beanbags were often made by grandmothers with scraps of kimonos. Special otedama songs were used. You can make your own ojami and then use them to play the following skill games: