Titanic Notebooking Pages


We've chosen five interesting characters involved with the Titanic story. Read a little about them then use the notebooking pages to capture what you know or tell it in your own words. You could also try writing the story of the Titanic in the words and from the viewpoint of each person.

Arthur Rostron

Arthur Rostron

Sir Arthur Henry Rostron (1869 - 1940) was Captain of the ocean liner RMS Carpathia when it rescued the survivors of the RMS Titanic. When the Titanic struck an iceberg on 15th April 1912, the Carpathia answered her distress call and was able to rescue the surviving passengers and crew.

Bruce Ismay

Bruce Ismay

Joseph Bruce Ismay (1862 – 1937) was Chairman and Managing Director of the White Star Line, his family's shipping company, which owned the Titanic.

Edward Smith

Edward Smith

Captain Edward John Smith (1850 –- 1912) was a very experienced English ship's captain who worked for the White Star Line. Because of his experience he was given command of RMS Titanic, the largest ocean liner in the world, for her first voyage, from Southampton to New York.

Molly Brown

Molly Brown

Margaret "Molly" Brown (1867 – 1932) was a wealthy American lady who was travelling first class on the Titanic. She became famous for her bravery on board the ship, helping other women and children into lifeboats before her.

Wallace Hartley

Wallace Hartley

Wallace Hartley (1878 – 1912) was a violinist and the bandleader on the Titanic. He and the Titanic's orchestra of eight men continued to play throughout the Titanic disaster, calming passengers as they climbed onto the lifeboats or faced their final moments.

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