Tissue Paper Crosses


This is a lovely colourful tissue paper craft which you can make for Easter or for Remembrance Day

Our Tissue Paper Cross Suncatchers on display

You will need:

A4 pieces of white card (2 pieces for each cross)
A cross template. Make your own or use one of ours here.
Tissue paper (cut into long strips)
Something to hang it up with – you could use sticky tack or tape, or you could attach a string at the top


  • Print out your cross template and then cut out the inside of the cross, like a stencil. You will need 2 cut-out crosses for each cross that you plan on making. We printed out one copy of the cross template, cut it out and then traced around the inside for the second.

Cutting out the cross like a stencil
Cutting out the cross like a stencil

  • Cut your tissue paper into long strips.  The strips need to be long enough so they can be stuck down on either side of the cut-out cross.
  • Put a line of glue around the edges of the cross.
  • Now attach the tissue paper strips on either side. It helps to slightly overlap the tissue paper so there are no gaps, and the overlapping paper can add to the finished effect of the cross when displayed in the window.

Attaching the tissue paper strips
Attaching the tissue paper strips

  • Once you have finished glueing down all the tissue paper, check to make sure no ends hang over the edge of the A4 paper. If they do, trim them off.

The reverse of a cross
The reverse of a cross - trim off any protruding tissue paper before the next step

  • Now glue your second piece of cut-out card with the other on top, matching the two edges carefully, so that the tissue paper is "sandwiched" between the two pieces of card.

Attaching the second sheet of cardboard
Attaching the second sheet of cardboard

  • You could attach a piece of sting to the top of the card or you could stick it onto the window with some sticky tack or tape.

Here is one of our finished crosses:

Complete red and gold cross
Complete red and gold cross

And here it is on display in the window - so pretty!

Completed red and gold cross in the window
Completed red and gold cross in the window

More crosses for inspiration:

Beautiful crosses on display
Beautiful crosses on display

Favourite tissue paper cross - so colourful!
Favourite tissue paper cross - so colourful!



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