This handy notebooking page has a photograph of Tim Peake - can the children find out about his interesting life and record it on this handy page, and maybe draw a picture in the space provided? We also have a version with just lines too. Tim Peake notebooking page 1 - Log in or Become a Member to downloadTim Peake notebooking page 2 - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillagePrintablesNotebooking PagesStory PaperTopicsFamous PeopleFamous People A-ZTim PeakeFamous ExplorersFamous People Notebooking Pages
Isabella Bird Notebooking Page Children can use these notebooking pages to record what they've found out about the great explorer Isabella Bird.
Thomas Edison Notebooking Page We've got two variations on our printable Thomas Edison notebooking paper - choose the most appropriate and download and print below.
Edmund Hillary Story Paper Use this story paper to write about Edmund Hillary - picking one of his achievements, or writing a short summary of his life.