The Tyger by William Blake - Printable
The Tyger by William Blake has been one of our favourite poems since childhood. As it was written in 1794 its language is a little difficult for children to understand these days, but it is worth persevering.
Lots NEW! Have some fun with our collection of tiger worksheets: the kids can study William Blake's famous poem The Tyger, write their own tiger poem with our acrostic printable, practise their handwriting skills and so much more. Why not have a go at our "Tiger Fact vs Fiction" activity, or write a story about tigers using our special story paper?
The Tyger by William Blake has been one of our favourite poems since childhood. As it was written in 1794 its language is a little difficult for children to understand these days, but it is worth persevering.
Print out our illustrated printable of The Tyger by William Blake, then, having enjoyed the poem, ask the children to answer these comprehension questions.
Read The Tyger by William Blake (we have a lovely printable version here) then get the kids to answer these multiple choice comprehension questions.
Scroll down for four colourful printable acrostic poem printables using the letters from the word Tiger. We have blank, lined and illustrated versions to suit all ages.
Tigers and lions are both big cats. Ask the kids to think about the similarities and differences between them and fill in this worksheet.
This worksheet is an interesting way to get the kids to look closely at a famous painting. For this one, we've asked the kids to look at Henri Rousseau' s Surprised! painting which features a tiger.
Ask the kids to research tigers and fill in this fact finding worksheet.
Read through our interesting tiger facts and sort them into the correct column - fact, or fiction! This is a fun way to test children's comprehension of what they have learned, or to encourage them to do some research to find out the answers.
Very young children can use their finger for tracing on this tiger themed worksheet. Follow the direction of the arrows to get the correct letter formation.
This useful tiger handwriting sheet has the starting point and direction of writing marked, so it is clear to your child how the letter is formed. By the end of the worksheet they will be much more confident about writing the letters on their own.
This tiger colouring page is a fun way to practise your maths facts, and enjoy some colouring in at the same time. Kids just need to solve some simple sums and then use the key to find the right colours to use in the colouring...
Cute tiger themed paper for some story writing, complete with colouring page! Choose from lined or handwriting lines.
There are 9 subspecies of tigers. Unfortunately 3 are now extinct and the others are endangered. Find out more about tigers and fill in these fact cards. You could staple them together to make a little tiger booklet.
Younger children will have fun tracing between the dotted lines of this simplified tiger picture with a thick crayon or felt tip pen. Use a bright orange, or perhaps black for the outline and then orange to colour him in.
There is a lot of tracing involved in this tiger tracing page, but the finished result will definitely be worth it. Trace over the dotted lines in black or coloured pencils or pens.
This cute little tiger is a fun tracing project for younger children, who will be getting lots of good pencil practice as they either trace on the dotted lines, or between them.
Use this tiger tracing worksheet to practise letter formation and then colour it in! The tiger is also one of the Chinese zodiac symbols so this would be a great activity at Chinese new year time.
Use this little worksheet as an excuse for finding out some interesting facts about tigers...
Find out where tigers live in the world and colour in the countries or areas on this world map. You could research the different subspecies and create a key to show where the different tigers are native.
This worksheet asks the children to imagine that they are zookeepers and to think about how they would keep tigers happy and healthy in a zoo.
Use our lovely tiger scene story paper to write an original story, or maybe record details about a trip to the zoo? We have lined and handwriting lined versions to choose from.
Use our quick-to-print story paper featuring a beautiful illustration of a tiger and two cute cubs to encourage some creative story writing and colouring.