The Line Up Game


The Line Up Game is a really fun ice breaker game which works well in a school or group setting, but also makes a super mixed-age party gathering - perfect for a large family party!

The Line Up Game

How to play:

Separate everyone into teams. 5 or 6 per team is the ideal number, and if you have mixed ages, mix them up!

One person is the caller. He calls out "Everyone please now line up ..." and fills in the blank with a statement such as the suggestions below. All the players race to find the right order and shout when they are finished.


  • Everyone please now line up in order of age, oldest at the front, youngest at the back
  • Everyone please now line up in first name alphabet order
  • Everyone please now line up by height, shortest first
  • Everyone please now line up according to your birthdays - first in the year goes first
  • Everyone please now line up according to who served themselves dinner first
  • How many cousins have you got? Line up with the least cousins in front
  • What colour is your top? Line up in alphabetical order with the earliest letter first
  • Most hair at the back, least hair at the front
  • etc


Make the odd round - or the whole game - a silent one! Players can only communicate with gestures!


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