Thanksgiving How Many Word Puzzles


How Many Words puzzles are fun with kids of all ages, and this collection is all themed for Thanksgiving puzzle fun. Play as a solo challenge, a timed race, or even in teams. Something to do while the Thanksgiving turkey is cooking, perhaps?

Pilgrim Fathers How Many Words

Pilgrim Fathers How Many Words

Here's an activity to keep the kids busy at Thanksgiving. How many words of two letters or more can they make from the letters in PILGRIM FATHERS?

Pumpkin Pie How Many Words

Pumpkin Pie How Many Words

Pumpkin pie is a delicious treat, traditionally served at Thanksgiving dinner - but how many words can you make from the letters in PUMPKIN PIE? Try it on your own, or with your friends and family for a fun challenge...

Scarecrow How Many Words

Scarecrow How Many Words

How many smaller words can the kids make using the letters in "scarecrow"? Use this printable as a solo challenge, as a time filler in the classroom, or as a competitive timed game.

Thanksgiving How Many Words

Thanksgiving How Many Words

How many words can you make from the letters in "Thanksgiving"? Challenge yourself, or maybe have a little competition with your family after dinner? 

The Mayflower How Many Words

The Mayflower How Many Words

The Mayflower was the famous ship that transported the first pilgrims from England to the New World in 1620. How many words can you make from the letters MAYFLOWER? There may be more than you think!

More Thanksgiving Puzzles

Thanksgiving Mazes
Thanksgiving Mazes

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