Thanksgiving Fuse Bead Patterns


Use our Thanksgiving fuse bead patterns with Hama Beads, Perler Beads or other own-brand fusible beads. Once ironed, you can use the designs as hanging decorations (thread a ribbon or cord through at the top), a mobile, badges, embellishments for greetings cards, and in many more ways.

Dream Catcher Fuse Bead Pattern

Dream Catcher Fuse Bead Pattern

Try this dream catcher fuse bead pattern at Thanksgiving or as Native American craft any time - we sewed feathers to ours and hung it up above the bed!

Eagle Fuse Bead Pattern

Eagle Fuse Bead Pattern

This super eagle fuse bead design is perfect for Thanksgiving or other American holidays. We used a pale blue for the background and green for the grass (although you could leave the green off if you prefer).

Sweetcorn Fuse Bead Pattern

Sweetcorn Fuse Bead Pattern

Make this corn on the cob fuse bead design using two shades of yellow (or orange) for the corn, and two shades of green for the outer leaves. It makes a fun badge or "pin" or table decoration, and looks great in a Thanksgiving mobile, too.

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