Choose from a range of colourful posters which we hope will help you when learning about telling the time. You could also display them on a notice board or on the wall near your classroom or kitchen clock. Of course they don't have to be posters. You could laminate these and use them as placemats too.
Here is a complete set of posters working all around the clock in quarter hours. We show the time in words, on an analogue clock, and a digital clock. You can use the pdf file as a display on your computer screen, tablet or white board and say the time out loud as you scroll through each page.
You could use this poster boy and a grandfather clock as part of a "learning to tell the time" topic, or perhaps to decorate a folder.
This set of 12 telling time posters shows half past the hours, with words, analogue clock and digital display. The clocks are blue on this set of posters, to match our "half past" telling time worksheets.
There are 24 posters in this set, which follows the time from 12 around to 11.30 with words, analogue clock and digital display. Print them out or use them as a slideshow on your whiteboard and say the time out loud as you click through each page.
Here is a set of 12 posters showing the "o'clocks", with words, analogue clock and digital display. Combine them with our telling time worksheets for learning how to recognise the hours.
For our American members - a set of clock posters showing the "quarter after" times in words and on an analogue clock and digital clock.
For our American members, here is a set of posters showing "quarter of" the hour, working their way around the clock.
Here is a set of 12 posters showing the "quarter past" position on the clock, to mix and match with our other telling time posters.
Here is a full set of posters showing the "quarter to" position around the clock, with the time on a digital clock below as well. Use them with our other telling time posters.
Help the kids understand "half past" the hour with this lovely, colourful poster – part of a set of four.
The hand is pointing straight up on this poster – which means it must be an o'clock! The poster is one of a set of 4 to help kids learn to tell the time.
Here is the complete set of four telling the time posters, for those who prefer one file. We have two versions – one for the UK, one for the US.
This is a variation on our "quarter past" poster, instead saying "quarter after" – more commonly used in the United States, I believe.
this poster has been designed for those of you – in the United States – would use the term "quarter of" when telling the time. It's part of a set of four telling the time posters.
This poster is part of a set of four telling time posters – helping kids learn to recognise "quarter past" the hour.
This poster shows children how to recognise "quarter to" on a clock face. It's part of a set of four telling time posters. We also have a version with "quarter of" for our US members.
What time is it? This fun poster shows a little girl learning to tell the time on a teaching clock. You could use it as the cover of a "telling the time" folder or display it in the classroom.