Summer Poetry Resources


Get creative this summer with the help of this collection of summer poetry resources, including sensory poem planners, acrostic poem printables and more.

At A BBQ Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

At A BBQ Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

Going to a BBQ is a fun thing to do in the summer (come rain or shine!) Use our sensory poem planning sheet to write some poetry about what your senses experience at a typical BBQ.

At The Pool Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

At The Pool Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

Children can use this sensory poem planning sheet to capture the excitement of a trip to the swimming pool. The sheet is perfect for planning and brainstorming, ready to write out the poem in neat later.

Butterfly Shape Poetry

Butterfly Shape Poetry

This worksheet asks children to write a shape poem about a butterfly or butterflies, using the shape to form and enhance the poetry. We provide some ideas on the worksheet.

Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti

Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti

This lovely poem is a perfect fit for children. It's simplicity, rhyme scheme and its tie-in with the butterfly life cycle provide plenty to think about.

Caterpillar Comprehension Questions

Caterpillar Comprehension Questions

Read Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti (we have a lovely printable version here) and then answer these questions. We've included an answer sheet for easy marking / checking in the pdf.

In the Garden Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

In the Garden Sensory Poem Planning Sheet

Standing in a garden is a sensory experience, and this sensory poem planning sheet will help children to record, or imagine, the sights, smells, sounds, textures, tastes and feelings associated with that experience.

Summer Sensory Poem Similes

Summer Sensory Poem Similes

Similes make poetry more interesting and are a great way to get the children started with writing poems. Can the kids write some sensory similes about summer to create a poem with a summery feeling?

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