This strawberry dot to dot will help children practise counting numbers up to twelve as they join the dots to complete the yummy looking strawberry. Strawberry dot to dot - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillagePuzzlesDot to DotsTopicsFoodFood and Drink Dot to DotsSeasonsSummerSummer PuzzlesSummer Dot to Dots
Strawberry Dot To Dot Skip Counting Join the dots on this strawberry picture and practice your times tables as you do it! Skip count by 2s, 3s and so on, all the way up to 10s. Fun!
Ice Lolly Dot To Dot Skip Counting Kids can skip count their way around the picture to draw an ice lolly - practising their tables at the same time! It's a fun dot to dot puzzle with a secret.
Sunflower Dot To Dot Skip Counting Practice times tables with this sunflower skip counting dot to dot - counting from 2s to 10s. How to make times tables fun!