Story Sums


Story sums are an excellent activity for getting children used to using maths skills in everyday life. How often have you heard a child say "but when am I ever going to use this?" when you ask them to learn the 12 times table? Well, story sums are the way to answer the question! They also make a great revision activity and can be used as a challenge for children who finish early.

Division Story Sums 1

Division Story Sums 1

Have a go at the 8 story sums in this collection as a "filler" or revision activity, or an extra challenge when children finish early. They are a great way of putting the need for maths into context!

Division Story Sums 2

Division Story Sums 2

Here's another set of division-based story sums, to get the kids using their maths skills!

Division Story Sums 3

Division Story Sums 3

Use these story sum cards on their own as a revision exercise or just for practice - or try to match them with the correct answer cards to see how the "story" matches the equation.

Division Story Sums 4

Division Story Sums 4

Here are 8 more division story sums for the kids to try. It's a great way to practice maths skills and get used to maths in everyday life.

Ice Cream Shop Menu Worksheet Set 2

Ice Cream Shop Menu Worksheet Set 2

Each zipped pack below contains an ice-cream shop menu, a set of story sum cards and a set of answer cards - a fun way to work on money and addition! All the answers are within 100, and we've got a pack in English money and another for American money.

Lemonade Maths Worksheet

Lemonade Maths Worksheet

This fun worksheet uses a "real life" story to test some simple maths skills including multiplication, measuring liquids, time and problem solving.

Summer Food Story Sums Year 1

Summer Food Story Sums Year 1

These story sum cards ask children to work out simple addition and subtraction problems (within 10) - all with an ice-cream and cupcake theme!

Times tables story sums 1

Times Tables Story Sums 1

There are 8 fun times table story sums to solve in this set of printable cards - great for a fun extra challenge! Call out or write down the answers, or match the cards with the answer cards - a good way of comparing the "story" to the written equation.

Times Tables Story Sums 2

Times Tables Story Sums 2

Here are some fun "stories" that challenge the kids to use their times tables - a great "real life" application! We've provided answer cards in case you want to try a matching activity.

Times Tables Story Sums 3

Times Tables Story Sums 3

Story sums provide a welcome change from times table drills - and also get children used to the everyday applications that make learning your times tables useful! This set of 8 cards can be used as a time-filling challenge, or, together with the answer cards, as a revision matching activity.

Times Tables Story Sums 4

Times Tables Story Sums 4

Test your knowledge of the times tables with these fun story sum cards. There are 8 in total, ready to cut out. We've also provided matching answer cards in case you want to do a matching activity.

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