A combination of colouring page and writing lines, these our story paper pages encourage children's imagination and are a fun and unique writing resource for school or home. We hope you love these story paper printables as much as we do! Our story paper comes in a variety of styles and often includes both handwriting lines and ruled lines.

We have built up a huge resource of over 1,000 story paper pages, which means that you should be able to find something for all occasions and to appeal to a wide range of children. Explore below or jump straight to the section you require:
We have many ideas and suggestions of ways to use our story paper here.
Seasonal Story Paper
Mark the changing of the season by writing stories with the kids! We've got a huge selection of appealing story paper for the seasons, and something to appeal to both younger and older children.
Fire up the kids' imagination with these fun colouring and story paper printables with a...
Our summer story paper combines some of our summer colouring pages to spark the imagination and...
Here's a lovely collection of printable illustrated story paper to use with kids in the...
Our story paper is designed to encourage children's creativity by providing pictures to...
Special Story Paper
Something a little different, and perfect for encouraging older children to think and get creative...
Here's a new twist on a creative prompt for story writing!
Get the kids to think of...
This quotation story paper can be used in all sorts of ways. Once children have coloured in the...
These activities are based on our specific set of Making A Difference posters and other...
Story Paper by Topic
Whatever your child's interest, or the topic you are doing, we could well have some story paper that's perfect for you!
Travel around the world with the help of your printer, and your imagination! Use our Around the...
Encouraging children to engage in creative writing can be a challenge. Our story paper is...
All NEW! Use our bible story paper for copywork, or so that children can write out the stories...
Our printable bird story paper is useful for all sorts of writing projects for a wide age range...
These story paper pages feature characters and scenes from famous books and films. Children...
Our daily routines story paper comes in black and white or colour with a picture per page. We...
We are starting out here with some simple "character" story paper, perfect for the...
Activity Village has a huge but growing resource of printables on Famous People - from ancient...
Children can use these lovely flower story paper pages for creative writing, thank you letters...
Use our Greek Myths Story Paper to retell the myths in your own words or write your own myths...
Our history themed story paper is perfect for telling the story of events from the past, either...
We've so many options to choose from in our life cycle story paper that we think you'll...
Our pirate story paper can be used for note taking, research, creative writing, descriptive...
Kids can use these delightful illustrated school story paper pages as inspiration for their own...
Encourage children to write their own creative stories with these printable story paper pages,...
Use our seaside story paper for creative writing - or perhaps for capturing notes, descriptive...
Sometimes getting children to put pen to paper can be hard - but we hope these sports story...
Kids can use our illustrated story paper to write about what you they in the pictures, their own...
We have many tree story paper pages here at Activity Village - some picture based, some with a...
We have some lovely weather scene story paper that is sure to inspire creative writing, as well...
With over 1000 examples of story paper here at Activity Village we have some that do not fit...
Holiday Story Paper
Holidays, which are so exciting for children, are the perfect time for story-writing. Encourage the children to use their imagination and practise their creative writing skills with this selection of story paper. The larger holidays are listed below, but we have story paper for most of the smaller holidays too, here.
Capture the excitement of Guy Fawkes Night, fireworks displays, sparklers and a roaring bonfire...
Use our printable Chinese New Year story paper for all sorts of writing projects for Chinese New...
Use our Christmas story paper at school or at home, to encourage children to write about what...
Our story paper features a combination of colouring page or photo and lines on which children...
Use this collection of Diwali story paper in the home or classroom, for creative writing, facts or...
Lots NEW! Print out our Easter story paper and get your children writing! We have many different "...
This collection of Father's Day story paper features children having fun with their Dad. Use for...
Get the kids to write a story about a made-up Fourth of July celebration. Alternatively, they...
These lovely printable story paper pages featuring kids with their grandparents combine a colouring...
Our printable Halloween story paper pages feature black and white illustrations to inspire kids...
Use these pretty Hanukkah story paper printables to encourage some creative writing during the...
Our Harvest Festival story paper is useful for church or classroom, we have 4 designs available...
Use our Mother's Day story paper in the classroom for all sorts of descriptive writing...
Some of these New Year story paper pages are perfect for New Year's Resolutions and goal-...
Why not have a go at some creative writing, using St David's Day as an excuse? Alternatively...
Use our St George's Day story paper to retell the legend of George and the Dragon or write...
Print out some story paper sheets to make St Pat's writing activities even more fun! They...
Use our Thanksgiving story paper to encourage some good descriptive or creative writing during...
Get the pens and pencils out! Our Valentine's Day story paper combines colouring pages with...
We've got story paper resources for many of the holidays and events that punctuate a child...
How To Use Our Story paper
The idea behind our story paper is that for a reluctant writer a blank page can be rather daunting. With a small number of lines and a picture prompt we hope our story paper is accessible for even the most reluctant writer. We have used the term 'story paper' but the only limit to how these pages can be used is your imagination. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Early Writers
- Use to practise letter formation. Choose one of our simple pictures with handwriting lines and practise writing letters along the lines. You could link the picture to the letter eg use our penguin story paper to practise writing "p"
- Choose your child's favourite picture and use the lines for them to practise writing their name
- Ask children to dictate a sentence about the picture for an adult to write down. The child can then colour in the picture.
- Use for copywork or dictation
- An adult could write a sentence lightly for a child to trace
- Of course, the small number of lines make our story paper ideal for first attempts at writing sentences.
Creative Writing
- Use one of simpler story pages to write a story about the person or creature in the image
- Rather than a full story, children could describe the character of the person or animal in the picture
- Our more detailed pages could be used to prompt a story based on what is happening in the scene, what might have happened before, or what they think might happen next
- Children could write a play set in the scene
- Where there are people or animals in the picture, children could imagine a conversation that is taking place
- Children could imagine and write a diary entry for the person or the event in the picture.
Other Ideas
- Ask children to describe what they see in the picture, perhaps after they have coloured it in (which gives them a chance to study what is happening).
- Many of the pages lend themselves to cross-curricula activities, such as telling the story of a historical event, describing an animal's habitat, writing an autobiography of a famous person, retelling a myth or fairy tale, describing the customs of a holiday, etc.
- Use the pages to write an autobiography or journal. Children can choose pages to write about events that they experience; our holiday pages are especially useful for this.
- Our tree, flower, lifecycle and animal pages are excellent for recording observations on nature walks or in the garden.
- Use the pages for goal setting. Many of our word art and quotation pages would be very useful here. Children could choose a famous person and explain why they are their hero and how the inspire them.
- Encourage children's observation skills. Ask them to colour the picture and then set some questions about the picture for a friend.
- Use the story paper to write up work "in best".
- Write letters to friends or family and colour in the picture - a treat for special people to receive!

We also have blank story paper and extra writing sheets in our Printable Lined Paper section.

More Story Fun

Story Starters