Have a go at this stained glass Union Flag or Union Jack with the kids! It's perfect for displaying in the window during a patriotic occasion!
Our stained glass Union Jack, ready to hang in the window..
You will need:
Clear sticky back plastic (book film)
Black card
Black yarn
Glitter in red, blue and white
Fold the black card in half and cut out a rectangle from the centre of the card.
Cut a piece of sticky back plastic to the same size as the card. Peel of the backing and stick on the card so the 'window' is covered by sticky film.
Use the black yarn to 'draw' the outline of the flag, pressing it down hard onto the sticky side of the plastic so it stays in place.
If you need help, print out our Union Jack colouring page, place it underneath and use the lines to help you.
Fill in one area of the picture at a time, by tipping on a small amount of glitter and spreading it around up to the yarn edges. Repeat until all areas are filled.
Only when all areas are filled shake off the extra glitter and you are left with a sparkly picture to hang in your window.