St Kitts and Nevis


Kids can learn a little about the Caribbean islands St Kitts and Nevis here, and enjoy our flag printables and colouring page.

View of St Kitts with Nevis in the distance
View of St Kitts with Nevis in the distance

A Little about St Kitts and Nevis

  • St Kitts and Nevis is located in the eastern Caribbean and consists of two volcanic islands, covered in rain forest and surrounded by coral reefs. The Federation of St Kitts and Nevis, independent since 1983, has the least land and smallest population of any country in the Americas with just 45,000 people.
  • St Kitts has an extinct volcano whilst Nevis is shaped like a sombrero, both are surrounded by coral reefs.
  • Basseterre, the capital, is the birthplace of Kim Collins, the former World Champion 100 metres sprinter.
  • St Kitts was the first Caribbean island to be settled by Europeans, when the British arrived in 1623, followed by the French in 1626. St Kitts was a leading sugar producer with 68 plantations by 1775. Brimstone Hill Fortress, now a Unesco World Heritage Site, was designed by the British and built by African slaves. The strong defences led to St Kitts being named the 'Gibraltar of the West Indies'.
  • American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton was born in Charleston, Nevis, before being sent to America in 1772 for his education.
  • Amongst the wide variety of animals can be found green vervet monkeys, leatherback turtles and rare birds including brown pelicans and tiny hummingbirds. The large number of shipwrecks offshore attract many rays and barracudas.
  • Locals enjoy eating stewed fish with dumplings , accompanied by spicy plantains and breadfruit.

The St Kitts and Nevis Flag

Flag of St Kitts and Nevis

The two white stars really stand out on the St Kitts and Nevis flag, and represent hope and liberty.The green colour represents the fertile land, the black symbolises the African heritage and red is symbolic of the struggle for freedom. The flag was officially adopted on September 19, 1983.

Our St Kitts and Nevis Resources

Packing For St Kitts And Nevis Worksheet

Packing For St Kitts And Nevis Worksheet

Our suitcase packing worksheets are a fun way to learn about a country! This one is for St Kitts and Nevis - can the kids think about what they need to take there and 'fill' the suitcase?

St Kitts and Nevis Booklet

St Kitts and Nevis Booklet

Learn about the country of St Kitts and Nevis and write up what you know in our printable booklets. Instructions on how to fold the booklets can be found here.

St Kitts and Nevis Bookmarks

St Kitts and Nevis Bookmarks

Here are 4 pages of St Kitts and Nevis bookmarks, some in colour and some in black and white, some with names and some with just flags.  

St Kitts and Nevis National Flower Colouring Page

St Kitts and Nevis National Flower Colouring Page

Enjoy our national flower colouring page for St Kitts and Nevis, featuring the stunning Poinciana.

Fun Fact: A newly planted royal poinciana usually takes five years to bloom, and sometimes twelve years or more!


St Kitts and Nevis Notebooking Page

St Kitts and Nevis Notebooking Page

Find out the other name St Kitts is sometimes known by and other interesting facts to include on out St Kitts and Nevis notebooking page.

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