Crown Playdough Mat
Can the children make this crown fit for a king or queen by adding some beautiful jewels? You can always laminate the mat then you can reuse it over again.
Break out the playdough for your St George's Day celebrations and have a go at one of these fun playdough mats! Use them as is and throw them away, or laminate them so that you can clean them off and use them again next year.
Can the children make this crown fit for a king or queen by adding some beautiful jewels? You can always laminate the mat then you can reuse it over again.
Children can use their playdough to complete the dragon, and maybe they can make him breathe fire too? Laminate the mat so it can be used over again.
The children will need some red playdough to complete the red cross of St George on this England flag playdough mat. Perfect for St George's Day, a flag topic or for following England in a sporting competition...
This hungry dragon needs some sheep to eat! Can the children make some playdough ones? Of course, they could always make him something different to eat too, or a knight (like brave St George) to fight against ...
Here is a brave and courageous knight, but he needs a dragon to fight! Can the children make one out of playdough?
Can the children decorate this shield using their playdough so it's ready to be used by a brave knight?