Spring Grid Copy Puzzles


A mixture of a puzzle and a drawing exercise, our spring grid copy puzzles will keep the kids concentrating and occupied and learning - all good things.

Chick Grid Copy

Chick Grid Copy

Copy the cute chick from the left hand grid to the blank grid on the right.

Daffodil Grid Copy

Daffodil Grid Copy

Use this grid copy activity to create a picture of a sunny yellow daffodil, perfect for Spring!

Here are some attempts, to inspire!

Grid Copy - Daisy

Daisy Grid Copy

This daisy grid copy is a nice simple design for beginners. Copy each square individually and end up with a whole picture!

Duck Grid Copy

Duck Grid Copy

Copy this duck one square at a time and watch the picture unfold.

Grid copy Easter basket

Easter Basket Grid Copy

Copy the Easter basket from the grid on the left to the empty grid on the right. There is lots of detail so take it one square at a time and count carefully!

Lamb Grid Copy

Lamb Grid Copy

Copy the cute lamb picture with the help of the square grid. Careful counting and copying square by square can make the task easier! This grid copy would make a lovely spring activity.

Grid Copy Rainbow

Rainbow Grid Copy

Copy the rainbow by copying each square of the drawing on the left. Good practice for kids!

Grid Copy - Tulip

Tulip Grid Copy

As you see the bulbs starting to sprout in Spring, have fun with this grid copy and create your own image of a tulip. Great for improving concentration and pen control.

More Spring Puzzles

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Spring Mazes

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