Sports Story Paper


Sometimes getting children to put pen to paper can be hard - but we hope these sports story paper pages will start them off! Just print them off (choose from lined or handwriting lines) and see what they can come up with! Kids can describe what they see in the pictures, or make up a story using the picture as a guide. And of course they can colour in the pictures, too.


Alpine Skiing Story Paper

Alpine Skiing Story Paper

Use our story paper to write about an Alpine skiing race you might have watched, or write a creative story instead - then colour in the picture! Choose from lined or handwriting lines below. 

American Football Story Paper

American Football Story Paper

Perhaps your child could write a story about his favourite football team with himself as the star player? Or use this fun printable for a match report...

Archery Story Paper

Archery Story Paper

Is it a bullseye? This fun archery story paper can be used in many different writing projects.

Athletics Story Paper

Athletics Story Paper

Here is some fun printable story paper with an athletics theme - perfect for stories, reports and all sorts of writing projects, with some colouring in thrown in too!

Athletics Story Paper 2

Athletics Story Paper 2

Use the female athlete in the picture as inspiration for some story writing - or perhaps use the paper to write a report about an athletics event...

Australian Rules Football Story Paper

Australian Rules Football Story Paper

Does your child have a favourite Aussie Rules hero to write about, or imagine himself playing Aussie Rules for his favourite team when he is older? This fun paper might be useful!

Badminton Story Paper

Badminton Story Paper

Kids could write a story about a badminton match on this fun story paper. Two versions available - one lined and one with handwriting lines.

Badminton Story Paper 2

Badminton Story Paper 2

Badminton is a really fun sport! Use this story paper to get kids started with some creative writing. They can use the lined version or there's an easier handwriting version too.

Baseball Story Paper

Baseball Story Paper

Here is some fun baseball story paper, complete with picture to colour in, perfect for match reports, creative writing or writing about sporting heroes, perhaps...

Baseball Story Paper 2

Baseball Story Paper 2

This fun story paper shows different actions in a baseball game. Kids can use their imagination to write about the picture in the lines provided. Younger children may find the handwriting version easier.

Basketball Story Paper

Basketball Story Paper

Your child can write about his favourite basketball player, make up a story with himself as the star, or perhaps write a match report with this fun story paper.

Beach Soccer Story Paper

Beach Soccer Story Paper

Here's a great story paper featuring a beach soccer game. Who do you think is going to win? Kids can write about the scene or start a story based on the picture. It comes lined for older kids and with handwriting lines for younger children.

Biathlon Story Paper

Biathlon Story Paper

The biathlon combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting - so plenty for the kids to write about on this story paper!

Bobsled Story Paper

Bobsled Story Paper

Write about a bobsled event - perhaps at the Winter Olympics - and colour in our bobsled picture! Choose from lined or handwriting lines.

Boxing Story Paper

Boxing Story Paper

Does your child like boxing or imagine themselves as a boxing hero in later life? This story paper might prove useful...

Canoeing Story Paper

Canoeing Story Paper

Write about a canoeing adventure on this fun story paper. We've got two versions to choose from below: lined, or with handwriting lines.

Cricket Story Paper

Cricket Story Paper

This cricket story paper might be useful for a match report, or for making up a story - perhaps about playing for the national team!

Cricket Story Paper 2

Cricket Story Paper 2

Cricket is a very popular summer sport. This story paper features a picture of a cricket match in progress - kids can describe the picture or write a whole new story about it!  Who wins the match? It comes either lined or with handwriting lines.

Cross Country Skiing Story Paper

Cross Country Skiing Story Paper

Ask the kids to imagine they are a cross-country skier competing in the Olympics, or to write about watching a similar event using our story paper. Choose from lined or handwriting lines.

Curling Story Paper

Curling Story Paper

Here is some fun curling story paper, complete with a picture to colour in. Perfect for match reports and creative writing...

Cycling Story Paper

Cycling Story Paper

Use this fun story paper to write about a cycling race you have watched, make up a story etc. Two versions available, lined and with handwriting lines.

Cycling Story Paper 2

Cycling Story Paper 2

Write about a road or track cycle race - perhaps the Olympics or Tour de France - and colour in our fast cyclist! Choose from lined or handwriting lines.

Diving Story Paper

Diving Story Paper

Here's some useful lined paper combined with colouring page of a diver - fun for creative story writing, or perhaps for writing about the sport of diving itself.

Equestrianism Story Paper

Equestrianism Story Paper

This equestrian is very smartly dressed and ready to ride. Colour her in, then use the lines below to write a story...

Fencing Story Paper

Fencing Story Paper

This story paper is part of our large sports story paper collection - but this one is also good for making up stories about glamorous sword battles from "olden days". Who is hiding behind the mask?

Figure Skating Story Paper

Figure Skating Story Paper

The children might like to use this story paper to write an imaginative story where they are a figure skater competing for a medal at the Winter Olympics - what music would they choose for their routine and what would they wear?

Free Style Skiing Story Paper

Freestyle Skiing Story Paper

Use this fun story paper to write about a freestyle skiing event you have watched or make up a creative story. We have two versions available, lined and with handwriting lines.

Golf Story Paper

Golf Story Paper

Does your child have a favourite golfer, or are they learning to play? Either way this story paper might be useful!

Gymnastics Story Paper

Gymnastics Story Paper

Is your child a gymnastics fan or enthusiast? They can write about the sport, or make up their own story, using this fun story paper with colouring page.

Gymnastics Story Paper 2

Gymnastics Story Paper 2

Kids can use this fun story paper to make up their own story, or perhaps to write about the sport or a gymnastics hero.

Handball Story Paper

Handball Story Paper

Use our printable story paper for children to write what they have learned about handball, to make up a story, or even for match reports.

Hockey Story Paper

Hockey Story Paper

Our useful hockey story paper is a fun incentive to write a match report - but it makes a good prompt for some creative writing, too.

Ice Hockey Story Paper

Ice Hockey Story Paper

Colour in our lovely ice hockey player and then use the lines beneath to write about him or make up a story!

Ice Hockey Story Paper 2

Ice Hockey Story Paper 2

The children can write a match report for an ice hockey game with this fun story paper, or a creative story. Choose from lined or handwriting lines.

Ice Rink Story Paper

Ice Rink Story Paper

There are lots of details for the kids to write about on this ice rink story paper, or maybe they could write about their own experiences at an ice rink? Our picture is based on the lovely winter ice rink at Somerset House, in London. Choose from lined and handwriting versions below.

Ice Skating Story Paper

Ice Skating Story Paper

Print out this fun ice skating story paper and get the kids to make up a story, write about their favourite ice skater, record the details of their practice or their goals...or even write about the various events in the Winter Olympics.

Judo Story Paper

Judo Story Paper

Our judo story paper - available with lines or handwriting lines - makes a fun writing and colouring project for children interested in the sport. And of course it could be useful for an imaginative story, too...

Lawn Bowls Story Paper

Lawn Bowls Story Paper

Write about the sport of lawn bowls, or make up a story using the picture for inspiration! Choose from lines or handwriting lines.

Luge Story Paper

Luge Story Paper

If you've ever watched the luge at the Olympics you'll know it's a very exciting sport - perfect for writing a story about using our story paper! Choose from lined or handwriting lines.

Netball Story Paper

Netball Story Paper

Perhaps children could use this fun story paper to write a match report? Girls could also write down their goals for the coming season, keep a record of goals scored, or make up an exciting story with netball as its theme!

Nordic Skiing Story Paper

Nordic Skiing Story Paper

We have story paper for lots of different sports at Activity Village, including winter sports such as Nordic skiing! Kids can write a story based on the picture, or perhaps use it to describe watching a race. 

Olympic Medal Story Paper

Olympic Medal Story Paper

Children can use our Olympic medal story paper as a prompt to write a story about winning a medal or perhaps to plan how they might work towards a goal.

Olympic Medals Story Paper

Olympic Medals Story Paper

Imagine what it would be like to stand on the Olympic podium and receive a medal! This story paper is perfect for some creative writing tasks - and some colouring in, too...

Olympic Rings Story Paper

Olympic Rings Story Paper

Choose from lined or handwriting versions of our Olympic rings story paper. As well as story writing they could be used to descirbe the significance of the rings and the colours.

Olympic Torch Story Paper

Olympic Torch Story Paper

Record some research into the Olympic torch or write a story on our lined or handwriting Olympic torch story paper.

Olympic Wreath Story Paper

Olympic Wreath Story Paper

What do you think it must have been like at the Ancient Olympic games? Why not write a story describing what it you think it would have been like to compete on our printable Olympic wreath story paper. 

Para Powerlifting Story Paper

Para Powerlifting Story Paper

Use this para powerlifting story paper to record a para powerlifting event that you've seen, or to write an imaginative story about this sport...

Rowing Story Paper

Rowing Story Paper

Where is this rower heading? Is he taking part in a race - perhaps even the Olympics? Or is he off for a leisurely row down the river... Kids can use this printable story paper in many different writing projects...

Rugby Story Paper

Rugby Story Paper

Our rugby story paper is useful for kids writing match reports - but also fun for making up a rugby-based story, describing your favourite player etc.

Scuba Diving Story Paper

Scuba Diving Story Paper

This scuba diving story paper is bound to fire the imagination! Kids can describe the picture and create their own stories on the lines provided. Younger children may prefer the version with handwriting lines.

Shooting Story Paper

Shooting Story Paper

Write a report of a competitive shooting match, or make up a story about how this competitor will do in the Commonwealth Games, perhaps.

Skeleton Sport Story Paper

Skeleton Sport Story Paper

The skeleton is thrilling winter sport where a person rides a small sled known as a skeleton bobsled down a frozen track, lying face down - can the kids write a story based on this exciting sport on our story paper? 

Ski Jumping Story Paper

Ski Jumping Story Paper

Ask the children to write about an exciting ski jumping competition - perhaps set during the Winter Olympics? They can colour in the picture of the ski jumper too...

Snowboarding Story Paper

Snowboarding Story Paper

If you've ever tried snowboarding you could write about it here - or you could write a creative story about a snowboarding competition, then colour in the snowboarder! We have two versions to choose from, lined or with handwriting lines.

Story Paper - South Africa, Soccer City

South Africa, Soccer City, Story Paper

Print, colour and write using this colouring page and story paper featuring South Africa's Soccer City, well known all over the world after the World Cup! I wonder what these children are thinking and doing...

Speed Skating Story Paper

Speed Skating Story Paper

Write about an exciting speed skating race, perhaps set at the Winter Olympics - and colour in our fast skater! Choose from lined or handwriting lines.

Squash Story Paper

Squash Story Paper

Write about a squash match, record your score, or make up a story about a squash player!

Sumo Wrestling Story Paper

Sumo Wrestling Story Paper

We've got story paper for all the sports we cover at Activity Village - including sumo wrestling! Colour in the picture and then write about sumo wrestling, choosing the version of paper most appropriate for your age group.

Surfing Story Paper

Surfing Story Paper

Kids can use their imagination to write a story and colour in the picture with a surfing theme, perfect for adventure or telling about a day out with Dad. For Father's Day, perhaps?

Swimming Pool Story Paper

Swimming Pool Story Paper

Use this fun detailed colouring picture to spark the imagination for a story about a visit to a swimming pool, or ask the kids to write about an actual visit. Great for Father's Day too. 

Swimming Story Paper

Swimming Story Paper

Our fun printable swimming story paper - available with lines or handwriting lines - can be used in many ways. Kids can make up a story, write about their own experience of swimming, record their achievements or goals...

Table Tennis Story Paper

Table Tennis Story Paper

Kids can use our table tennis story paper for writing about the sport or making up a story. Available with lines or handwriting lines, and of course there is a picture to colour in, too.

Taekwondo Story Paper

Taekwondo Story Paper

We have story paper for all the sports we cover at Activity Village - including taekwondo! Kids can write a story based around the picture or sport, or perhaps use it to describe their own taekwondo lessons.

Tennis Story Paper

Tennis Story Paper

Kids can write about playing tennis, an exciting tennis match, or perhaps their favourite tennis player with this printable story paper, which comes either lined or with handwriting lines.

Tennis Story Paper 2

Tennis Story Paper 2

Our tennis story paper is designed for a fun creative writing and colouring experience!

Track Cycling Story Paper

Track Cycling Story Paper

Use our track cycling story paper to tell a story about a race, write about a race you have watched, or describe the sport and what you see in the picture.

Triathlon Story Paper

Triathlon Story Paper

Write about the triathlon event using our printable story paper. You can choose from lined or handwriting lines to suit a range of ages. And of course there's a picture to colour in too!

Water Polo Story Paper

Water Polo Story Paper

Use our printable story paper for children to write what they have learned about water polo, to make up a story, or even for match reports.

Weightlifting Story Paper

Weightlifting Story Paper

Write about the sport of weighlifting, or perhaps a story about a weightlifter, using our fun story paper with picture to colour in.

Wembley Stadium Story Paper

Wembley Stadium Story Paper

Use this Wembley Stadium story paper to write about a visit, a football match, the Euro 2028 championships...

Wrestling Story Paper

Wrestling Story Paper

This story paper is a fun printable to encourage some creative writing about the wrestlers in the picture, or perhaps to write up a match report.

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