This exciting board game is based on the speed skating event we enjoy during the Winter Olympics, which of course is fast and furious - and often looks dangerous! It can be played with 2-4 players.
You will need:
- Our board game printable (below)
- 4 tokens or counters. We have provided some that you can use if you prefer, in which case you might want to print an extra copy of page 1 of the pdf below.
- Tape to assemble the board
How to play:
Each player places their token on one of the starting squares. The person on square 1 will go first - youngest player is best. If there are only 2 players use 2 tokens each.
Each player takes turns to move their token. On each turn you can either
- move your token straight (right or left, up or down) any distance up to 7 squares; or
- move your token diagonally any number of spaces.
You can’t move through or into the same square that another player occupies. You can't move through or on to a 'fall' square.
The winner is the first player to complete a lap! In a 2 player game both tokens must reach the finish line for the lap to be complete.