Space Colouring Pages


Lots NEW! Our collection of space colouring pages grows bigger and bigger every year, and we think we've got something for everyone and all ages from youngest child to granny...

Have fun colouring in astronauts (real or imaginary, "cartoon" or detailed), aliens, rockets, space ships, planets and more! Scroll through our collection below.

Alien Colouring Page

Alien Colouring Page

Kids can colour in this kooky alien and his flying saucer - and make sure to encourage them to use some strange colours!

Astronaut Colouring Page

Astronaut Colouring Page

Print out this gorgeous astronaut colouring page - designed to appeal to younger kids. You can choose from a colouring page with word, for early readers, or without.

Astronaut Colouring Page 2

Astronaut Colouring Page 2

The astronaut in this colouring page looks like he is having the time of his life, surfing on his rocket ship to the stars! It's a fun scene for the kids to colour.

Astronaut Colouring Page 3

Astronaut Colouring Page 3

I love this colouring page! It is just the sort of space exploration that most of us would enjoy - boosting ourselves out into the galaxy with a big smile on our faces! I hope your children enjoy colouring this one in as much as mine have!

Astronaut Dog Colouring Page

Astronaut Dog Colouring Page

This is such a fun colouring page, featuring an astronaut and his astro-dog! Both look happy to have each other's company, don't you think?  

Earth Colouring Page

Earth Colouring Page

Ask the children to grab some pens or crayons colour in this poster of the Earth.

Equinox Colouring Page

Equinox Colouring Page

Here's a simple equinox colouring page to print out for the children to colour in - perfect for a space topic. 

Halley's Comet Colouring Page

Halley's Comet Colouring Page

Halley's comet is probably the world's most famous - certainly its most well known - comet! It returns to the vicinity of the Earth every 75 years and was last here in 1986. We can next look forward to a visit in about 2061.

International Space Station Colouring Postcard

International Space Station Colouring Postcard

Here's a space-themed activity with a difference! Can the children colour in this postcard of the International Space Station and then write it pretending they've been there? Or you could send it to someone after a visit to a space exhibition?

Jupiter Colouring Page

Jupiter Colouring Page

If you're not sure which colours to use to colour in this picture of Jupiter, images of this planet have shown that it reflects many shades of white, red, orange, brown, and yellow...

Ladybird looking at space colouring page

Ladybird Looking at Space Colouring Page

This cute colouring page shows a ladybird looking through a telescope at the planets and stars, and is fun for younger children with an interest in space (or ladybirds!) to colour in.

Mars Colouring Page

Mars Colouring Page

Mars is often referred to as the Red Planet, and it gets its red colour from the iron oxide in its soil. You might choose a red crayon (and possibly orange too) to colour it in...

Mercury Colouring Page

Mercury Colouring Page

Mercury isn't the most colourful of the planets in Solar System, and appears as a greyish-brown colour - but we hope you enjoy colouring it in anyway! 

Moon Landing Colouring Page

Moon Landing Colouring Page

This lovely, detailed colouring page for older children shows the moon landing of Apollo 11 in 1969, with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin taking man's first steps on the moon. We have two versions available: the full size version should be printed with borderless settings.

Neil Armstrong Colouring Page

Neil Armstrong Colouring Page

Have a go at this colouring page of Neil Armstrong. He has just placed the American flag on the moon, as he was the first person to walk there!

Neptune Colouring Page

Neptune Colouring Page

Neptune is a bright azure blue colour - so find your brightest blue pens or crayons for this colouring page!

Ovals Colouring Page

Ovals Colouring Page

This ovals colouring page, set in outer space, has planets, rockets and flying saucers made up of ovals. Children can identify and count the shapes before colouring in this colouring page with a difference.

Rocket Ship Colouring Page

Rocket Ship Colouring Page

Here's a super space themed colouring page for younger children, complete with solo rocket ship, planet and stars to colour in!

Saturn Colouring Page

Saturn Colouring Page

Ask the kids to colour in the planet Saturn and its beautiful rings on this colouring poster.

Shuttle Colouring Page

Shuttle Colouring Page

Colour in this simple, bold picture of a space shuttle - perfect for younger children. You can choose from two versions here, one with word and one without, or have a go at our "colour pop" version with starry background, here.

Shuttle Colouring Page 2

Shuttle Colouring Page 2

Colour in this simple space shuttle, against a background of pretty stars! You can find a plain black and white version here, too, if you prefer.

Space Buggy Colouring Page

Space Buggy Colouring Page

Colour in this lovely scene of a space buggy exploring - the moon? Kids could also draw in whoever is driving the buggy.

Space Buggy Colouring Page 2

Space Buggy Colouring Page 2

This space buggy colouring page looks rather realistic - like one of our astronauts is setting off to explore the surface of the moon, perhaps, with the earth in the distance.

Space Buggy Colouring Page 3

Space Buggy Colouring Page 3

The astronaut driving this space buggy is hard at work collecting sample of rocks, presumably to take home and analyse later. It's a fun scene to colour in.

Space Buggy Colouring Page 4

Space Buggy Colouring Page 4

An astronaut could climb any mountain in this space buggy - even on the moon! I think the kids will enjoy colouring in this scene.

Space Buggy Colouring Page 5

Space Buggy Colouring Page 5

This space buggy looks like it could travel on any surface, and withstand an explosion from that meteor falling in its direction! It's a fun one for kids to colour in...

Space Colouring Card

Space Colouring Card

Who wouldn't enjoy receiving a space colouring card? Use it for birthdays, special occasions or just to send a message. The picture is lovely with lots of detail, and if the kids colour it in caerfully before they give it, it is sure to be appreciated even more.

Space Colouring Page

Space Colouring Page

Can you complete this space colouring page at light speed? Lots of lovely details with planets, aliens and stars!

Space Colouring Page 2

Space Colouring Page 2

This fun space colouring page has a pre-coloured background which really makes the colouring picture pop out - and perhaps makes it less daunting and more fun for younger children! Print with your borderless settings if possible, although it's not absolutely necessary.

Space imagination colouring pages

Space Imagination Colouring Pages

There are 10 pages in this fun pack of space "imagination" colouring pages - fun for sparking off some imaginative drawing and colouring!

Space Rocket Colour By Number

Space Rocket Colour By Number

Prepare for lift-off by colouring in this fun space rocket, using the key provided. We've got US and UK versions below.

Space Scene Colouring Page

Space Scene Colouring Page

There is lots of fun detail in this space scene colouring page for the kids - the earth, the moon, a rocket ship, another planet, lots of stars - and of course an intrepid astronaut!

Space Scene Colouring Page 2

Space Scene Colouring Page 2

Take a train track up to the stars with this intrepid astronaut! This space scene colouring page looks like it shows what space travel might be like in the future...

Space Ship Colouring Page

Space Ship Colouring Page

This colouring page is perfect for anyone with dreams of exploring the universe. Some lucky children are going for a trip in a space ship!

The Moon Colouring Page

The Moon Colouring Page

Colour in this picture of the moon, complete with craters, and display as part of a space theme or solar system topic. 

Tim Peake Colouring Page

Tim Peake Colouring Page

Tim Peake was an inspiration to children everywhere after his mission to the International Space Station! Print this picture of him for the kids to colour in.

Uranus colouring page

Uranus Colouring Page

You might want to find some blue and green crayons to colour in the planet Uranus, which has a blue-green colour due to the cold methane gas present in the atmosphere around it.

Venus Colouring Page

Venus Colouring Page

For most of us looking up at the sky, the planet Venus looks a yellowish white colour, but if you were close-up it has a reddish-brown surface  - so we'll let you decide which colours you choose to colour in this planet!

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