This printable is a fun way for children to list (or draw) some of the things they would like to do with their friends in the coming year or the future generally. The illustration might give them some starting points...
Something I would like to do with my friends - Log in or Become a Member to download
This is a lovely way of encouraging children to write down a few little goals - or six, to be precise. Each one goes into a box to be guarded over by one of the children in the illustration, which of course your child can colour in if they wish.
If the kids can only choose one, really important, mega goal for the year, what will it be? Use this printable page (which comes blank for drawings and lined for writing) to detail it out.
If I could learn about anything at all, I would like to learn about.... Children can draw pictures or write about all the things they would most like to learn about using this open book printable.