Sunshine, ice-cream, the seaside, roses and lavender - these are just some of the things I love about summer. Get the kids to write down what they love using this fun printable.
Making a list is a great way of encouraging reluctant writers, and making a list on a nice piece of paper appeals to lots of children. You could even suggest that the kids use this as a drawing frame instead of a writing frame, and colour in the camera, too.
What would I take with me ... if I were going to the Bahamas on holiday, or trekking in the jungle, or travelling to the moon (and back)! You can use this lovely printable frame in so many ways. Younger children can draw or cut and stick, older children can write.
Sometimes getting started on writing a letter or note is the hardest part - but it needn't be! I've always thought that the easiest way to start a letter is just to start writing whatever comes into your head, within reason! Here are some suggestions to start you off...