British Snakes Fact Finding Worksheets
Did you know that there are three native snake species in the British Isles? These worksheets ask the children to find out more about British snakes and fill in this fact finding worksheet.
Celebrate Chinese New Year or explore a Snake theme in the classroom with our collection of snake worksheets. We've got lots for all ages - from learner readers and writers up to older kids.
Did you know that there are three native snake species in the British Isles? These worksheets ask the children to find out more about British snakes and fill in this fact finding worksheet.
Do you know someone who is interested in keeping a snake as a pet? Get them to do some research and fill in this worksheet.
Lizards and snakes are both types of reptiles. Ask the kids to find out similarities and differences between them and write them down on this Venn diagram.
We have four versions of this fun SNAKE acrostic poem printable for you - perfect for Chinese New Year or a reptile them. Use as writing frames too.
A lovely green snake wraps itself around our second SNAKE acrostic poem printable - useful for all sorts of writing projects, not just poetry!
Here's a black and white snake frame for children to colour in, with the letters of "SNAKE" all ready for an acrostic poem.
Check the kids' understanding of our Snake Fact Sheet with these multiple choice comprehension questions.
After reading the Snake Fact Sheet, ask the kids to have a go at answering these questions to check their understanding.
Younger children learning their letters will enjoy colouring in this lovely snake then tracing over the letters with their finger or a pencil. Laminate for repeated use if you wish.
Print out this snake handwriting worksheet for beginners to practice their letter formation and spelling - and why not colour in the picture, too!
Have some fun with this snake colouring page, which requires some maths practise too! Use the key to work out which colour to use in each section and you'll have a snake in no time...
Grab a ruler and use this maths worksheet to practise measuring snakes. Make sure that you click print in actual size.
Here are ten types of snakes. Use this worksheet to order them alphabetically.
We've had fun making up some names for different species of snakes. Have fun investigating which ones are real and which ones are fiction.
Perfect for writing a story about a snake, or for Chinese New Year of the Snake, our snake story paper comes in two versions to suit different ages.
Here's a snake tracing page for children to practice their writing - and of course they can colour in the snake, too.
Solve the clues to fill in the snake themed crossword and learn some new vocabulary as you go. Don't worry! We have included the answers.
Ask the kids to get a dictionary and look up the definitions of these snake related words. This will keep them busy and learning some interesting new vocabulary.
Use this worksheet to inspire some simple research and fact-finding about snakes. Available in colour or black and white.
Use our snake writing page for story writing, projects or Chinese New Year of the Snake!
What is the difference between snakes and worms? Ask the kids to investigate the differences and similarities between the two creatures and fill in this Venn diagram worksheet.
Sort out the facts from the fiction with this fun activity. Use our Snake Fact Sheet to help you work out the answers.
Use these fact cards for your own investigation into some of the world's most venomous snakes. Find out more information, draw a picture of them and then you could staple the cards together to make your own little booklet.
Follow the instructions to draw dots on the snakes, and then answer the questions. Colourful dotty maths is fun!
Children can draw more spots onto the snakes to work out the answer to each problem, or solve them with subtraction within 20.
We've got masks to print, jigsaws, story paper, writing paper and lots more!
Snake Printables