Grid Copy Skeleton
Here's some drawing fun for Halloween! Copy our picture of a skeleton using the grid to help you. Just take it one square at a time...
A small but useful collection of skeleton printables! More coming soon...
Here's some drawing fun for Halloween! Copy our picture of a skeleton using the grid to help you. Just take it one square at a time...
Shelly and her kids learn about the human body and skeleton in this guest post, using printable resources available from Activity Village.
Put the shapes together in the right way, add some detail and soon you have your own skeleton!
"Dem bones dem bones dem dancing bones..." We probably all know this popular song about a skeleton - but can the kids use our acrostic poem printable to write their own poem, rhyme or song using the letters in the word SKELETON for inspiration?
Our printable Skeleton Game is played like "beetle". You will need a die and a copy of the print-out for every player (preferably on card).
Here's a fun printable skeleton jigsaw puzzle to cut out and play at Halloween. He's got a cheeky wave and he's not at all spooky!
OK, so making a skeleton out of playdough isn't that easy ... but maybe it is for the kids! We've provided a pelvis (I think?) and the beginnings of a spine and ribcage ... now see what comes next!
Skeletons can be scary, but we think this chap seems quite friendly (maybe he has funny bones!) - so he shouldn't scare the younger kids too much! Print out our poster for your Halloween display.
Can the kids write a story with this funny skeleton as the main character? It's a fun and creative activity to try at Halloween.