The shepherds who saw the star and followed it to find the baby Jesus are an important part of the Nativity story. Here you can print and colour in a simple shepherd colouring page, suitable for younger children. Shepherd colouring page - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageColouring PagesHolidaysChristmasThe Nativity StoryNativity Colouring PagesChristmas Colouring Pages
Mary Colouring Page Print this Nativity colouring page of Mary, mother of baby Jesus, designed for younger children to enjoy.
Joseph Colouring Page Here's a colouring page of Joseph, one of a set of Nativity colouring pages for younger children.
Baby Jesus Colouring Page Here's a simple, fun colouring page of the baby Jesus lying in a manger, perfect for younger kids to print and colour at Christmas time.