What do you know about the island chain, the Seychelles? Perhaps you are lucky enough to be going for a visit with the family! Here you can read some interesting facts, or scroll down for a set of printables of the colourful Seychelles flag, including a colouring page for the kids.

Anse Lazio beach at Praslin Island, Seychelles
A Little Geography...
- The Republic of Seychelles island chain in the western Indian Ocean.
- The Inner Islands are granite outcrops from a submerged continent, and home to most of the 84,000 people.
- The 74 outer coral islands are low-lying and barely inhabited, making this the smallest population of any African state.
A Little History...
- Originally named the Amirantes, after Admiral Vasco da Gama in 1502, the islands were a haven for pirates such as Captain Kidd, who attacked spice traders.
- The Seychelles name comes from a French Minister of Finance under Louis XV. The islands were French until the British took control in 1812.
And Some Interesting Facts...
- The Seychelles is a mecca for seafood lovers and the national dish is octopus curry!
- Bird Island is named after the 800,000 pairs of terns which visit each year.
- Aldabra is home to 150,000 giant tortoises, which can be a metre high and weigh 150kg! Their shells were once used as ballast by sailors.

Aldabra giant tortoise, Seychelles
- The jellyfish tree, named after the shape of its flowers, is the world's rarest tree. Once thought to be extinct, the surviving plants can be seen on Mahe.
- The pristine beaches and coral reefs attract famous visitors from around the world, including Ronald Reagan and Pope John Francis 11.
- The Seychelles is one of five countries with both French and English as official languages.
The Seychelles Flag

The flag of the Seychelles has an unusual and striking design! It was adopted in 1996. The oblique bands were used to symbolise a dynamic new country moving into the future. Starting from the left, blue depicts the sky and the sea that surrounds the Seychelles, yellow is for the sun, red is for the people, white represents peace and harmony and green is for the land.
Seychelles is famous for its beautiful beaches. If you lived there, do you think you would go to the beach on a typical day? Write about this, and also things like food, school and homes on this 'A Day in Samoa Diary' page.
Seychelles is a popular tourist destination, but can the kids find out more about the climate there? We've included a weather app template for them to fill in...
We've got four boxes on the worksheet for the children to fill with information about different aspects of culture in the Seychelles.
What do you think might attract someone to visit Seychelles? Perhaps you could draw a picture of one of the beautiful sandy beaches on this tourism poster.
What kinds of food would you get try if you visited Seychelles? Do some research then record what you find on our worksheet...
Have you ever fancied designing a coat of arms? Try drawing one for Seychelles on worksheet 2, or you could just write about the coat of arms on worksheet 1.
Compare your life with that of someone in Seychelles by entering information on the Venn diagram. The differences will be in the outer circles and similarities where the circles overlap.
Ask the kids to do some research about living in Seychelles then record what they find on this compare and contrast worksheet.
The lovely national flower of Seychelles also has a lovely name - the tropicbird orchid! We've created a stunning colouring page featuring this unusual plant...
We've got spaces to draw five pictures of Seychelles on this printable picture gallery. Or you could print some pictures and cut and paste them inside the frames instead...
Wish you were here? I think most of us would love to visit the beautiful beaches of Seychelles! Imagine you are staying there, and write this postcard for somebody back home...
Perhaps you could draw a beautiful beach and some palm trees on the front of this Seychelles postcard? Then remember to write on the back of the postcard too, and practise writing an address...
The crystal clear sea and white sandy beaches of Seychelles look stunning on this printable poster.
The bright and colourful flag of Seychelles takes centre stage on this simple poster, ideal for displays.
How would you spend a day on this beautiful Seychelles beach? Something to write about on this story paper perhaps...
There's a beautiful picture of Seychelles on the front of this tourist leaflet. Print and fold into three, then add the content inside!
Travel brochures really need to 'sell' a country to potential visitors, so the kids will need to use some persuasive language on this travel brochure worksheet for Seychelles.
Turtles are just one of the lovely animals living on Seychelles - can you find out about the other creatures and plants on this island?