Seaside Tracing Pages


We have a huge collection of seaside-themed tracing pages here - perfect for younger children who will enjoy colouring in the final pictures and also get lots of practice with pencil control along the way! Some of the tracing pages below have double lines, making them perfect for younger children (trace in the channels) and older children (trace all the dotted lines).

At the Beach Tracing Page

At the Beach Tracing Page

Here's a more difficult tracing page to challenge the kids! There is lots of detail (and that means lots of dotted lines) to trace over on this At the Beach tracing page...

Beach Towel Tracing Page

Beach Towel Tracing Page

There are four beach towels to trace on this tracing worksheet - which design do you like the best?  

Bikini Tracing Page

Bikini Tracing Page

This bikini tracing page provides plenty of tracing practice for the kids as we've provided double lines! Perfect for a holiday or summer topic!

Camper Van Tracing Page

Camper Van Tracing Page

Young ones can practise their pencil control skills with this fun camper van tracing worksheet.

Crab Tracing Page

Crab Tracing Page

Here's an interesting tracing page for the kids, featuring a crab! Trace between or on the dotted lines for some excellent pencil control practice.

Crab Tracing Page

Crab Tracing Page

Children will love practising their pencil control skills by tracing the pincers on our crab tracing page.

Dolphin Tracing Page

Dolphin Tracing Page

Trace the lines to create this lovely image of a dolphin swimming in the sea – I think the kids will enjoy it! Younger children can trace between the lines; older children should trace on them.

Donkey Tracing Page

Donkey Tracing Page

Specially for the younger children, print this donkey tracing page. Fill in the dotted lines and then colour in. To use more than once, laminate and then trace with dry wipe pens.

Flamingo Ring Tracing Page

Flamingo Ring Tracing Page

This flamingo ring tracing page is lots of fun and the kids might want to colour in the finished picture too! Perfect for a holiday or summer theme...

Flippers Tracing Page

Flippers Tracing Page

Just for fun, let the kids trace this pair of flippers! Younger children can trace between the lines; older children should trace both sets of lines for extra practice.

Hawaiian Shirt Tracing Page

Hawaiian Shirt Tracing Page

Here's a really fun tracing page! Can the kids trace the outline and pattern of this Hawaiian shirt, just for fun? Perfect for a holiday theme!

Lighthouse tracing page

Lighthouse tracing page

Trace the dotted lines on our lighthouse tracing page - great for practising pencil control.

Palm Tree Tracing Page

Palm Tree Tracing Page

Younger kids will love tracing carefully over the lines in this fun palm tree tracing page. Colour the picture in when done.

Starfish Tracing Page

Starfish Tracing Page

Trace over or in-between the dotted lines to reveal a pretty starfish, ready to colour in. The simple outline makes it just right for cutting out, too.

Sun Tracing Page

Sun Tracing Page

This sun has a smiley face which we hope will appeal to younger children, as they trace over the dotted lines! We've provided two sets of lines for extra practice, but beginners could treat the two lines as a "channel" and draw their line between them.

Sunglasses Tracing Page

Sunglasses Tracing Page

Trace around the outline of these super cool sunglasses, and the sun too! Perfect for a holiday or summer theme...

Surfboard Tracing Page

Surfboard Tracing Page

Trace around the dotted lines of this surfboard tracing page, then colour it in. Lots of pencil practice involved!

Surfer Tracing Page

Surfer Tracing Page

Kids can work on their pencil control with our surfer tracing page. Younger children can trace the channels between the dotted lines; older kids can trace all the lines. Perfect for a summer theme!

Swimming Tracing Page

Swimming Tracing Page

The kids can have fun tracing over the dotted lines on our swimmer tracing picture. Younger children can trace between the dotted lines; older children directly on them.

Swimming Tracing Page 2

Swimming Tracing Page 2

Here's a fun tracing activity for summer or a sports theme. Trace the dotted lines of this swimmer sat by the side of the pool. Younger children can trace in the "channels", more confident children directly on the lines.

Swimming Trunks Tracing Page

Swimming Trunks Tracing Page

There are plenty of dotted lines to trace on this fun swimming trunks tracing page, perfect for summer pre-writing practice! Younger children could trace in the channel between the dotted lines.

More Seaside Classroom Resources

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Seaside Writing Frames

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