Seaside Maths Worksheets


Make maths more fun for all ages with the help of our seaside themed resources! Learn about big and small, count, make patterns, practise times tables, and so much more...

Beach Ball Dot To Dot Skip Counting

Beach Ball Dot To Dot Skip Counting

The dots on this dot to dot beach ball are times table practice in disguise! Choose the table your child is learning below - from 2s to 10s.

Beach Ball Size Sorting

Beach Ball Size Sorting

Give the children some sorting practice from smallest to largest (or vice versa) with these colourful beach balls. You can laminate the beach balls to make them a bit stronger and for repeated use if you prefer...

Beach Towel Place Value 3

Beach Towel Place Value 3

Who knew that beach towels could help with learning place value! Here are 3 worksheets that give extra practice at working with Units, Tens and Hundreds.

Beach Towel Place Value 4

Beach Towel Place Value 4

Practise place value with the help of our beach towels and you might even feel like you are at the seaside! This set of 6 worksheet covers Units, Tens, Hundreds and Thousands.

Beach Towel Place Value 6

Beach Towel Place Value 6

Our beach towel worksheets are a fun way to practise place value - and these sets of beach towels are getting very long because the numbers are going all the way up to Millions! There are 6 pages in the pack.

Bucket And Spade Maths Facts Colouring Page

Bucket And Spade Maths Facts Colouring Page

Learning maths is fun when you're colouring in a picture too! Can the kids solve the simple sums (choose from two addition, two subtraction or two multiplication versions), then colour in the picture using the key to help them?

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Seaside

Comparing Numbers 1 To 10 Seaside

Kids can have fun counting and comparing the number of buckets and spades on this simple comparing numbers worksheet, which also asks them to fill in some sentences with comparison words.

Crab Number Sorting 2

Crab Number Sorting 2

There are 4 pages of these lovely crabs in this pack of sorting cards. Start with 1 set of 6 cards, then another set and work through the 4 sets, then try combining them until the kids can sort all 24 into the correct order - either from small to large or from large to small.

Crab Number Sorting 3

Crab Number Sorting 3

There are 24 crab number sorting cards in this pack. Try 6 at a time and then combine to give more of a challenge. The numbers range from 66 to 996.

Crab Number Sorting 4

Crab Number Sorting 4

Put the crab cards into the correct order - from smallest to largest, or from largest to smallest! This set includes numbers in the hundreds and numbers in the thousands.

Crab Number Sorting 5

Crab Number Sorting 5

This set of crab number sorting cards is going to challenge the kids! We've included decimals and numbers from the 100s to the 100,000s! Start with one set of 6 cards and then build up until you are sorting all 24...

Crab Number Sorting 6

Crab Number Sorting 6

We've made this set of Crab Number Sorting cards very challenging by adding in negative numbers, decimals to 3 places and numbers into the 100,000s - a great way to revise place value with the kids!

Crab Symmetry

Crab Symmetry

Can you complete this drawing of a crab using symmetry? An easier worksheet with a grid is also available. You could colour the crab in once you've finished!

Ice Cream Counting Printable

Ice Cream Counting Printable

Our ice cream counting printable is a fun way to help children practice their counting to 10. Print on to card, cut out the pieces and layer up the scoops on the ice cream cones to match the numbers.

Sand Castle Symmetry

Sandcastle Symmetry

Complete the sandcastle by copying one half to the other with this fun symmetry worksheet. This is quite a challenging symmetry drawing and the grid version will help younger children.

Sea Shell Dot To Dot Skip Counting

Sea Shell Dot To Dot Skip Counting

Here's a dot to dot with a times tables difference! Join up the dots to form a picture, but choose the times table your child is working on first.

Seaside Bar Graph Activity

Seaside Bar Graph Activity

Count the seaside images, use our tally sheet to keep track and then plot them on our bar graph page - a fun seaside maths activity!

Seaside Colour and Count

Seaside Colour and Count

Colour the pictures according to the key, and then count the number of items beginning with each letter. Make sure your child listens carefully to the initial sounds.

Seaside Counting 1

Seaside Counting 1

Here's the first of our counting worksheets with a seaside theme, with numbers up to 6. Count the objects and fill in the correct number in the box.

Seaside Counting 2

Seaside Counting 2

Count the pictures and write the number in the box. A fun seaside worksheet! Available in colour or black and white below.

Seaside Counting 3

Seaside Counting 3

Here's a fun counting worksheet for the kids with a seaside, summery theme. Count the objects and write the correct numbers in the boxes.

Seaside Dice Addition

Seaside Dice Addition

Help practise addition skills with a seaside theme! Roll two dice, add up the numbers and colour in the answer on the correct bucket and spade - you can time yourself against the clock, or play against a friend!

Seaside Multiplication Bump

Seaside Multiplication Bump

The kids can practise their timestables up to 12 with our seaside multiplication bump worksheets (see each printable worksheet for instructions).

Seaside Patterns 1

Seaside Patterns 1

Test children's understanding of patterns with this fun seaside-themed worksheet. Available in colour or black and white.

Seaside Patterns 2

Seaside Patterns 2

Available in colour or black and white, this seaside themed pattern worksheet makes learning fun!

Seaside Patterns Tiles

Seaside Patterns Tiles

These seaside patterns tiles are designed to be used with our Seaside Patterns worksheets. Laminate the tiles and worksheet so that you can use over again if you wish.

Shell Size Sorting

Shell Size Sorting

Sort these pretty shells by size from smallest to largest, or largest to smallest. Once you've had a few goes with these shells you could try sorting some real ones next time you go to a beach?

Summer Big and Small Size Sorting

Summer Big and Small Size Sorting

Here's a colourful summer size sorting activity,  and if you laminate the pieces you can use them over and over again.  Cut out the bright and cheerful pictures, laminate if you prefer, then ask the children to sort them onto the mats.

Summer Size Sorting Worksheet

Summer Size Sorting Worksheet

Here's a slightly trickier summer size sorting worksheet. Can the children number the pictures in each row from 1 for the smallest to 5 for the biggest?

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