Sea Creature Templates


You are sure to come up with lots of uses for our sea creature templates. Decorate and hang in our Coral Reef Aquarium Craft, cut from patterned paper and use to decorate a display board or window or use the larger ones as writing frames. If you want more ideas, have a look at the list on our main templates page.

Coral Templates

Coral Templates

No undersea scene would be complete without some coral on the seabed, so we've included 3 different coral templates in a variety of sizes for you to print.

Crab Template

Crab Template

Whether you are looking at crabs as part of an oceans theme or for a visit to the seaside, this crab template (in a variety of sizes) might come in useful! You could make a cork board look very seaside-y with a crab or two cut from yellow card...

Dolphin Template

Dolphin Template

Various sizes of our dolphin template is spread out over three pages in this pdf file. You might need it for our dolphin crafts, or for crafty ideas of your own!

Dolphin Template 2

Dolphin Template 2

This is a cute and cuddly dolphin template more than a realistic one! It would be fun to cut two shapes out of grey felt and sew together to make a little dolphin softie, with a little black embroidered or button eye.

Dolphin Template 3

Dolphin Template 3

This realistic dolphin template would work brilliantly for a collage scene, with a whole pod of dolphins leaping over the waves. You could even show depth using different sizes of dolphins, with larger at appearing nearer and smaller in the distance.

Fish Template

Fish Template

This lovely fish template is useful in many ways. It comes in a variety of sizes so you could print it out and ask children to sort by size. It looks lovely cut out of coloured paper and used as a base for some tissue paper sticking! Add a button or sequin for an eye, perhaps.

Fish Template 2

Fish Template 2

We've included lots of sizes in this fish template as it is one of our simpler outlines for children to cut out. It looks wonderful cut from sparkly or "hologram" paper. You could also decorate with tissue paper, sequins, ribbons ... in fact anything from your craft cupboard.

Fish Template 3

Fish Template 3

This funny fish template has quite a lot of character, I think! He looks like a friendly sort of fish. Choose from a variety of sizes.

Fish Template 4

Fish Template 4

This fish template has quite a lot of detail in its outline. We've also included some extra pieces to decorate the fish - optional apart from its eye! We've included lots of sizes for you to choose from.

Fish Template 5

Fish Template 5

This lovely round fish has a very simple shape for kids to cut out, perfect for crafty collages, filling up with lines or squiggles for pencil control, or perhaps for an underwater display. Add two extra little pieces for his eye and decorate as you wish.

Jellyfish Template 1

Jellyfish Template 1

A jellyfish template is always going to be a bit tricky to cut out, so take care when you are cutting the tentacles on this one. Perhaps you could use a shimmery, pearlescent card?

Jellyfish Template 2

Jellyfish Template 2

Perhaps your child could cut out the top piece of this jellyfish template while you cut out the bottom! Join them together with sticky tape on the back and then glue on some eyes.

Lobster Template

Lobster Template

It's not easy to make a lobster template that isn't going to be horribly difficult to cut out! This one is a compromise on detail, but I think it is instantly recognisable as a lobster...

Octopus Template 1

Octopus Template 1

This lovely octopus template may not be very "real life" but he is appealing and kids will enjoy his curly legs! You could even cut a few octopuses out of card and hang them, linked up, to dangle in the breeze.

Octopus Template 2

Octopus Template 2

This octopus has 8 "legs" that will need cutting out carefully - but when done he sits nicely on the bottom of a sea-bed for an underwater display!

Seahorse Template 1

Seahorse Template 1

Cut this seashorse out carefully - particularly his curly tail! These would look lovely cut from shimmery or glittery card and strung up as a mobile in the bathroom!

Seahorse Template 2

Seahorse Template 2

This lovely rounded seahorse template is as simple an outline as we could manage for cutting out, but it makes a big impact. Use for crafts, collage and display.

Seal Template

Seal Template

We have included a variety of sizes for our seal template, useful for crafty projects. This seal could be perched on a rock, or, alternatively, balancing a ball on his nose!

Seaweed Templates

Seaweed Templates

There are 2 shapes of seaweed included in this seaweed template pdf file, in a variety of sizes. Cut them from shades of browns and greens and line the seabed of your underwater or aquarium display scene or collage!

Shark Template

Shark Template

You can recognise this shark template instantly from its fin and pointed nose! Kids can use it for tracing, cutting and crafting activities, or as a writing frame. It's available in various different sizes.

Shark Template 2

Shark Template 2

This shark template has rounded outlines to make it easier to cut out and slightly less scary for younger children. You could even use the largest template 6 (there are 6 in total) to make a shark softie.

Shark Template 3

Shark Template 3

Not a shark template as such - more like a shark fin! We've included this shark template for fun, although I don't suppose it would be much fun to see a shark's fin in the waves like this when you were out swimming.

Starfish Template

Starfish Template

Our starfish template has a simple line for the kids to cut out. Yellow or brown construction paper looks particularly effective and realistic!

Stingray Template

Stingray Template

Cut this stingray template out of dark grey or black card and add it to your undersea scene. There's something quite spooky looking about a stingray, isn't there?

Tiny Fish Template

Tiny Fish Template

You know those tiny, silver or bright blue fish that dart around aquariums or the sea in schools so quickly that they seem to make the water shimmer? Well, this template is to help you make a whole bunch of them to add to your collage or display!

Whale Template 1

Whale Template 1

This lovely whale template is perfect for younger children, being simple to cut out and rather smiley! You could also use it as a simple writing frame.

Whale template 2

Whale Template 2

Our second whale template comes complete with an attached spout! You might want to cut it off with younger children, or cut it out of a separate (blue) colour).

Whale Template 3

Whale Template 3

Our third whale template has a rather wicked smile, which will have to be cut out carefully. He also has a lovely "spout" to cut out separately and add.

More Under the Sea Activities

Sea Creature Writing Paper
Sea Creature Writing Paper

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