Crossing Patrol Story Paper
Kids can use this picture of a crossing patrol or lollipop lady as inspiration for a story or descriptive writing piece. Click on one of the download links below depending on which version you prefer.
Kids can use these delightful illustrated school story paper pages as inspiration for their own stories or journal writing, or for descriptive writing about what they see in each picture. Some of them are feature images based on rules the school may have, children could use the story paper to think about why the rule is important and why they should follow it. Each story paper is available with lined or handwriting paper, and of course the kids can enjoy colouring in the pictures too! Just click on the links below to access the download pages.
Kids can use this picture of a crossing patrol or lollipop lady as inspiration for a story or descriptive writing piece. Click on one of the download links below depending on which version you prefer.
Print one of these two versions of story paper and encourage your kids to write about this scene of children tidying up the classroom!
There is so much detail in this delightful school playground story paper - kids can write about what they see or make up a story using the picture as inspiration, and then colour it in. Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.
Use this fun printable paper and colouring page to encourage your children to tell the story of what is happening in the classroom scene, or to write about why it is important to put up your hand and wait to speak in the classroom environment.
This lovely detailed scene of a school bus collecting some children for school is a perfect story starter - what will your children come up with? Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.
These children look excited to be outside school - perhaps it is the first day of a new school year? Kids can write their own story on this school children story paper, using the picture to get their imagination flowing.
There is such a pretty school house picture on this story paper, we are sure your children can come up with a lovely story inspired by what they see! Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.
All sorts of things happen during lunch time! Print this school lunch story paper to inspire some good story telling or descriptive writing! Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.
There are so many things to write about in this School's Out story paper! Children have space below to write about what they see or even use their imagination for some creative story writing. We have lined and handwriting line versions available to download.
Ask young children what they like most about school, and many will answer story time! Here's some story time story paper that they can use to write about it, or to make up a story... Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.
I wonder what the kids are learning about in this picture, and what will happen next? Print the story paper out so that your kids can write about what they see, or make up their own story. Choose from the download links below depending on which version you prefer.
This printable story paper is perfect for kids to write about recycling, saving the planet, and keeping school tidy.
Our story paper (with lines or handwriting lines) is designed for children to write about what they see or make up a story. Here is a typical school scene of children waiting in line in a crocodile to spark their imagination!
Children can use this story paper to describe the school corridor scene they see or to spark the imagination for a story of their own.
It is great to be able to walk to and from school if you can, and have fun with your friends. Kids can write all about it, make up a story, or describe what they see in the picture on this fun walking to school story paper.
Print out our story paper (lined or handwriting) so that kids can describe the scene they see or to spark their imagination for a story of their own.