Keep Our School Tidy Colouring Poster
Remind children to keep the school tidy by throwing litter in the right place with this simple poster.
We thought that by presenting these "school rules" as colouring pages for the children to tackle themselves, they might be proud when they go up on display and at the same time take in the messages being presented in the posters!
Remind children to keep the school tidy by throwing litter in the right place with this simple poster.
It helps when everyone works together to keep the classroom tidy, and we hope this colouring poster will remind children of that!
Remind children that they need to put up their hand to ask permission to speak in class! Perhaps a group of children could colour in this poster together, or you could have a small competition and put the winners up on display?
One of the first things we have to learn at school is to wait patiently in line, and it is often one of the hardest - especially for kids who like to run around! Help them remember by getting them to colour in this poster and then putting it up on display.
All schools ask children to walk in the corridors - rather than run! Ask the kids to colour in this poster and then put it up on display to help them remember.