Scavenger hunts can be a really exciting entertainment for the kids, and we've had great fun putting together this collection of ideas. All of them come with special printables to make life easier for Members, but of course you can make your own versions too.
What is a Scavenger Hunt?
A scavenger hunts provide a list of items to find, or do, within a set time limit. Often played in teams, players are sent off to "scavenge" for the items on their lists. The first to find all of them wins, or, if nobody finds everything on the list, count up to see who has the most at the end of the time limit.
Scavenger hunts are easier to prepare than Treasure Hunts, which need clues! And they are a great way to help children get to know each other, or to mix up different ages and abilities. When working with teams you might want to give some thought to the best combinations for each team before hand.
You don't need to prepare and hide lots of clues, as the children will be looking for pre-existing items. But you might want a prize or prizes for the winners.
Safety First!
Obviously the days of sending children off by themselves are long gone, so you will need to think carefully about safety.
- If children will be scavenging in your house or garden where you can see them, there isn't a problem. If, however, they might be going a little further afield, you could perhaps include an adult or responsible older child on each team.
- Set boundaries before the game begins. Where are the children allowed to look? What are they allowed to touch? Are they allowed to open cupboards, go upstairs etc?
- Have you got enough adults to supervise children during a scavenger hunt? It not, please look elsewhere in our Games section for different entertainments.
- If you live in a climate with dangerous bugs and other creatures, make sure that children know how and where they are allowed to look.
- If you are playing outdoors, make sure children wash their hands really well when they come back in!
Not Just a Team Activity
You don't need to play scavenger hunts competitively. They can make a fun entertainment for just 1 or 2 children or the family, and can be played over a number of days if necessary.
More Ideas
How about a photo scavenger hunt? Instead of finding and bringing home objects, children take a photo!
Shelly has some great ideas for using our Scavenger Hunt printables when out and about, and lots of photos, too. Read all about it in the Guest Post below.

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