

Find out a little about Samoa, and scroll down for our flag printables and colouring page...

Apia Harbour, Samoa
Apia Harbour, Samoa

  • The Independent State of Samoa, formerly known as Western Samoa, lies in the South Pacific Ocean.
  • The Europeans first discovered Samoa when a Dutchman sighted the islands in 1722. By the 19th century, Britain, Germany and the United States were struggling to control Samoa. At one point in 1889 warships from all three nations waited in Apia Harbour (pictured above) and war looked imminent, but a massive storm destroyed the ships!
  • During the First World War, New Zealand seized control from Germany and administered Samoa until 1962, when it became independent.

Samoa on map of Oceania
We have a printable map showing Samoa's location within Oceania here. You'll have to look carefully!

About the Samoan Flag

Flag of Samoa

The white stars of the Southern Cross are featured on the Samoan Flag, with the blue said to represent freedom and red for courage. The flag was officially adopted on January 1, 1962.​

Our Samoa Resources

A Day In Samoa Diary

A Day In Samoa Diary

Put yourself in the shoes of a child living in Samoa and write a diary entry for a typical day.

Climate Of Samoa Worksheet

Climate Of Samoa Worksheet

What's the weather like in Samoa today? Try to find out, and record the current forecast in the weather app on this worksheet.

Culture In Samoa

Culture In Samoa

We've provided 4 boxes for the kids to fill with information or pictures about culture in Samoa.

Design A Tourism Poster For Samoa

Design A Tourism Poster For Samoa

What will the kids include on their design for a tourism poster for Samoa? The finished result will be great for displaying in the classroom too...

Samoa Coat Of Arms Worksheet

Samoa Coat Of Arms Worksheet

Choose from two worksheets for the Samoa coat of arms below. The first asks the children to find out about the coat of arms, when it was awarded and the significance of the different parts.

Samoa Compare And Contrast Venn Diagram

Samoa Compare And Contrast Venn Diagram

Fill in this Venn diagram with details about your own life and life in Samoa. Any similarities should go in the intersection where the two circles overlap.

Samoa Fact Worksheet

Samoa Fact Worksheet

This is the harder of our two fact-finding worksheets. Once filled in your child will be the fount of knowledge about this island in Oceania!

Samoa Location Worksheet

Samoa Location Worksheet

We have two levels of this Samoa location worksheet. The guided worksheet names all the countries in Oceania and it is just a question of locating Samoa, which is also marked. The blank version is much trickier!

Samoa National Flower Colouring Page

Samoa National Flower Colouring Page

This national flower colouring page for Samoa features the Tuila flower. Teuila flowers can vary from lighter shades of pink to bold red shades, with red being the most traditional colour in Samoa - so you might like to choose pink or red shades for this pi

Samoa on Map of Oceania

Samoa on Map of Oceania

This simplified map of Oceania indicates Samoa's location in red. Use with our worksheets.

Samoa Picture Gallery

Samoa Picture Gallery

Find out a little about Samoa, then draw 5 pictures of things you might see there in this fun printable picture gallery.

Samoa Postcard 1

Samoa Postcard 1

Our postcards from around the world (like this one for Samoa) are a great way to get to teach the kids how to address mail and encourage writing skills. Why not have a classroom postbox so the kids can send postcards to each other?

Samoa Postcard 2

Samoa Postcard 2

Do some research on Samoa, then write a postcard to a friend or family member as if you are visiting there. You can draw your own picture on the front, too!

Samoa Poster 1

Samoa Poster 1

Print this lovely poster of Samoa to use as part of your studies or displays.

Samoa Poster 2

Samoa Poster 2

Help the kids learn to recognise the flag of Samoa, which features the white stars of the Southern Cros, by printing and displaying our poster.

Samoa Story Paper

Samoa Story Paper

Describe what you see on the picture, or write a creative story based in Samoa on this lovely story paper.

Samoa Tourist Leaflet

Samoa Tourist Leaflet

Create your own 3-fold tourist leaflet encouraging people to visit Samoa. We've added the front page for you...

Samoa Worksheet

Samoa Worksheet

Find out some facts about Samoa and record them on this simple worksheet, which also offers some location practice.

Wildlife Of Samoa Worksheet

Wildlife Of Samoa Worksheet

Dolphins regularly migrate through Samoa's warm waters, but what other creatures are found on the island? Write about them here.

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