Russia Worksheets


We are rolling these sets of map worksheets out across the countries that we cover at Activity Village, and here are three for Russia: two to help with location, and the third for researching key facts about the country.

Russia Finger Tracing

Russia Finger Tracing

Here is our first handwriting worksheet for the country of Russia. Children can learn to form the letters by tracing over them with their forefinger, before trying again with a pencil.

Russia Handwriting Worksheet

Russia Handwriting Worksheet

The kids will be much more confident in writing and spelling "Russia" when they've had a go at this worksheet. 

Russia Location Worksheet

Russia Location Worksheet

Mark the location of Russia on this worksheet. We have two versions. One has a blank map of Europe - a challenge for older children. And the other shows the names of all the countries and capitals, so younger children just have to find Russia marked on the map.

Russia Word Tracing

Russia Word Tracing

Trace the dotted letters to write the word "Russia", set underneath the Russian flag!

Russia Worksheet

Russia Worksheet

Use this worksheet to guide the children to find out a little about Russia, and record what they learn.

More from our Russia Topic

Stories from Russia
Stories from Russia

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