Here's a useful reading log for older children to fill in. Not only will they get a sense of satisfaction as they see the list fill up, but the completed list is a wonderful momento of their reading journey, too.
Choose from colour or the black and white version you see illustrated here of this lovely reading reward chart. There are 16 squares, just the right size for 16 cheerful stickers! When all the squares are filled up, perhaps it will be time for a special treat.
Available in either colour or black and white, this library books tracker will keep the family organised - and it looks great out on display, too. The colour version is best printed with your printer's borderless settings.
This book frame can be used in many ways, and comes in three varieties: blank, one side lined and the other left unlined for a picture, and both sides lines. Use it as a writing or drawing frame, for book reports, for notices on the board, or even as story paper ...